Happy New Year to all TDG readers! Before we plunge headlong into yet another 12 months of news, both scientific...
Happy New Year to all you fabulous Grailers! Before we depart on our journey into 2018, let’s take a look...
I hate it when I’m right… Did an exploding star change the course of human evolution? Superflu a threat as...
Bicycling is perfect for meditation; both are about balance. Stanley Kubrick confessed to staging and filming the moon landings after...
Should I have included the millions of pea-sized crabs inexplicably washing up in Hawaii? Titan’s riverbeds are surprisingly free of...
**Splat** Have you ever noticed that some walls are harder than others? Sean McCarthy and Richard Walshe: two men who...
God is awe-full. Terminal Lucidity: The researchers trying to prove your mind lives on, even after you die. Maryland psychic...
Prepare for a slight taste of onion today. Unfortunately, it’s not in the story about a fast-moving cloud. 594-page hand-written...