Another loss in the world of UFOs was recently announced, just a few days after the tragic accident that took...
Becoming a public figure in the paranormal field comes with few satisfactions in terms of ‘fame’ or money. The one...
My friend and colleague Susan Demeter sent me a link to this lovely video sometime ago, and I thought it...
Perhaps one of the most bizarre events in modern music history occurred on August 23, 1994, when the British band...
Savant syndrome – the phenomenon of individuals exhibiting extraordinary, almost superhuman talents in a particular artistic or intellectual skill –...
When Cortés and his Spanish Conquistadors first laid eyes to Tenochtitlán, the capital of the Mexica (Aztec) empire in the...
There is a curious element to the art in several caves in France and Spain that date to the Gravettian...
They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. In this case it began with a...