Ancient Apocalypse, a documentary series based on the research of alternative history author Graham Hancock (and hosted by him as...
Like all the Star Wars fans all across the globe, I’m deeply saddened by the death of James Earl Jones...
It’s 2024 and Doctor Who is back on our TV screens once again. Ncuti Gatwa is officially the Fifteenth Doctor...
Folk horror is a genre that is difficult to define, and there are plenty of people more than willing to...
Netflix has recently added one of the best documentaries on UFOs they have available on their platform. It has nothing...
To say we live in interesting times is the understatement of the millennium, as the news cycle has turned so...
There really is no business like show business. Not only does it dictate our tastes, drives our economy and fosters...
Knock on any door Down in that old hometown of mine Knock on any door You’ll find a welcome, rain...