Movie site Rotten Tomatoes has posted a feature titled “Ten Sci-Fi Flicks for the Thinking Man“. Ignoring the passive sexism...
Here’s the trailer for Planet 51, an animated movie which looks to have plenty of ‘easter eggs’ for sci-fi/ufological devotees...
Have to share this one with you – I’m sure most readers will enjoy it, with its theme of ‘reality-creation’....
Just caught the trailer for an upcoming documentary which looks pretty cool: Enlighten Up!. Here’s the blurb: Filmmaker Kate Churchill...
Here’s a new documentary which looks in the What the Bleep?! mode, covering a number of the topics we find...
OMG, teh video motherlode! Earlier this week, I linked to some videos of Professor Stephen Braude discussing life after death...
This is a beautiful and evocative montage – comprised of over 400 video clips it takes elevator passengers on a...
Completely off-Grail-topic, apart from the fact it’s one of our own doing good: Friday news admin Turner Young’s ‘webisode’ project...