Two hours, three minutes and two seconds. That is the fastest time established by a human being running the Marathon....
Because everything that has a beginning, has an end. Today I close another chapter in my life, with the final...
My friend Conner Habib has just started a new Youtube series called Against Everyone, in which he explores many fascinating...
In my daily travels gathering interesting content from across the internet for The Daily Grail, I often come across cool...
How much can you connect with other people without the benefit of seeing them face to face, shaking their hands,...
Welcome one and all, to the latest incarnation of the Daily Grail – sorry if we startled you! Let’s introduce...
Us! When the Daily Grail audience is mobilised, we bring teh power. Thanks to all those kind folks who got...
That (other) great web source of strange and exotic news items, The Anomalist, is currently on the lookout for a...