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All the Best to Marcel

Just a quick note to offer TDG’s support and best wishes to Marcel Cairo, of Afterlife FM, who has endured two separate family-related illnesses/losses in just the past few weeks. Marcel has been doing a great job with AfterlifeFM, bringing humour to some pretty deep topics. Note that due to these recent issues, Marcel has had to postpone his exclusive interview with George Hansen which was scheduled for this week. All the best Marcel, hope to see you back on deck soon.

  1. Comet ExplosionTheory
    The Dene’ and Dine’ people diverged after crossing the Bering land bridge 22,000 years ago. That figure was arrived at by an anthropological linguist who proved it had taken at least that long for the languages to diverge as much as they did (though they are still mutually understandable). The fact that the Dene’ if central Canada speak the same language as the Dine’ of the Four Corners region (the Navajo) is proof that even if such an event occurred, it did not wipe out the northern residents or their source of food.

    This proof will be ignored by yet another supposed scientist in pursuit of academic honor to his name. The Native peoples involved will go on as usual, with people saying all manner of things implying they don’t exist.

    No, I am not the brain specialist…..
    YES. Yes I AM the brain specialist.

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