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Da Vinci in America

Updated: Da Vinci in America is now available, see here for a free chapter and ordering details.

For all those interested in The Da Vinci Code and other Dan Brown novels: I’m pleased to announce that TDG will soon be releasing its first book, a fun look at the possible topics which will feature in Dan Brown’s upcoming book The Solomon Key. Titled Da Vinci in America, our book scans the clues left by Brown as to the subject matter of The Solomon Key, and fills in the details to give you some background before you read Brown’s book.

The book evolved after I noticed much of the content of The Solomon Key looked like it crossed over with some of my own research – rather than cram it all into an essay on the site, I thought it would be better to self-publish a small book on it. It’s all in fun, trying to guess the content of the next Brown book, as well as filling in a lot of ‘hidden history’ you might not be aware of.

I’m hoping that the proceeds raised from the sales of this book will help guarantee the future of TDG, and perhaps enable us to publish other books on the subjects we are all interested in. The book will be available through Amazon, hopefully within a couple of weeks – so if you or a member of your family are into Dan Brown’s books, take a look at Da Vinci in America when we release it. More details soon.

    1. Around…
      Hey C,

      Just settling details with the printer at the moment, I’m trying for around $US12.95, and 8.95 pounds in the UK…depends on the final costing on each though. I don’t have the luxury of doing a massive print run to bring costs to a minimum like the ‘big boys’ of publishing, but I think those prices are pretty fair anyhow.

      Let me finish off this book thing and then we’ll get started on the scripts. 😉

      Peace and Respect
      You monkeys only think you’re running things

      1. Book and film
        Put me down for a copy of the book. While we’re at it, I may as well sign up for script-writing duties. 🙂

        I’ve had some experience in both script-writing for radio, as well as doing conspiracy research for TV. I won’t send you my CV – it’s pretty ugly!


        PS Don’t forget to advertise the book in Nexus.

  1. The Hiram Key more like!!!
    Oh my God! The Solomon Key?! Even _more_ evidence to suggest that this ‘Dan Brown’ is either reading Robert Lomas’s material or Dan Brown is in fact Robert Lomas. I’m sorry, but the coincidences are now worrying me.

    1. Heh

      As I point out in the book, Brown definitely reads Knight and Lomas books. See the Seal of Solomon apparently on the floor of Rosslyn Chapel as just one example.

      Considering the subject matter of The Solomon Key, he’s likely to use their views on Freemasonry as well.

      Peace and Respect
      You monkeys only think you’re running things

      1. Code books set up to rewrite history???
        I wonder what the agenda is. It seems like these books are attempting to distort history toward an agenda…one that seems very gay…as in slap happy. Could this be true?

      2. hmmmmm
        So one starts to wonder whether certain Hiram Key, Second Messiah, or Uriel’s Machine stuff may show up in the book… although I am personally betting that at one point Robert Langdon will pick up Mr. Ovason’s book in somebody’s library and comment on that at length to his female companion.

        Steven Mizrach
        Academic, Pop Culture Junkie, Grail Recycler

        1. Yup
          Hi Steve,

          Yeah, I include Ovason’s book as well. In one way its right up Brown’s alley, with talk of various obscure sculptures etc with ‘occult’ overtones, ala Bernini in Angels and Demons…although on the other hand it’s difficult to summarise in its whole due to the rambling astrological discourse.

          Peace and Respect
          You monkeys only think you’re running things

  2. E-book
    I guess I sort of answered my own question. Was going to ask, why not have an e-book version and sell it directly through the site. Likely more profitable. Except that it could be passed around if it’s in electronic format. Doh!

    One day maybe we’ll be able to save the tree. 🙂

    1. Yah

      Yes, I considered an ebook, but I know how long it would take to show up on certain sites as a ‘free download’…

      On an upside, I’m publishing it via ‘print on demand’, whereby a copy is only printed if someone orders it…a bit more expensive cost-wise but less financial risk for me. This means no large print run with half the books pulped at the end.

      Peace and Respect
      You monkeys only think you’re running things

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