Be sure follow The Daily Grail on Facebook and on Twitter for more fascinating stories like this. Did a comet...
My, time sure does fly when you’re being weird with your buds! Last January 21st marked the 10th year anniversary...
This news will surely be welcomed not only by Graham Hancock fans, but by all people interested in ancient history:...
Our good friend Graham Hancock has appeared once again on Joe Rogan’s podcast this week, discussing his new book America...
The Japanese underwater site known as the ‘Yonaguni monument‘ has excited ‘lost civilization’ proponents ever since its discovery in 1986....
The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name is a new book from author/researcher Brian Muraresku...
Graham Hancock’s new book, America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization, is released TODAY in the United Kingdom (sorry...
There are few people that raise the ire of ‘skeptical’ archaeologists than Graham Hancock. That’s a shame, because Hancock is...