Last month I posted videos of two recent thought-provoking TEDx talks by Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake. However, if you...
Follow The Daily Grail on Facebook and on Twitter. Stuff keeps getting older: an upcoming article in the journal Arabian Archaeology...
Be sure follow The Daily Grail on Facebook and on Twitter for more fascinating stories like this. Did a comet...
Alternative history author Graham Hancock released some big news out of the blue today on social media: for the past...
Ancient Apocalypse, a documentary series based on the research of alternative history author Graham Hancock (and hosted by him as...
While we have covered the Turkish archaeological site of Göbekli Tepe for a very long time here on the Grail,...
In the science world, much of the research is inaccessible to the layman. If the concepts being studied aren’t orders...
Photo by Santha Faiia.The amazing image above, posted by Graham Hancock on his Facebook page, shows the Ishi-no-Hōden megalith in...