In the documentary Fantastic Fungi, mycologist Paul Stamets tells a personal story about how, as a child, he had a...
Doctor Zaius’s pop culture references aside, this is one of the most interesting science news I’ve come across lately: A...
Last week I had the pleasure to have a virtual tête à tête with Mike Clelland, a man who is...
The human brain and nervous system have astonishing capabilities that allow us to make sense of the environment around us...
Let’s face it: when it comes to respect outside their own discipline, the field of Parapsychology is probably at the...
In recent years, biologist Merlin Sheldrake has quickly become someone that I’ve enjoyed listening to on both his pet area...
I’ve known Mike “The Owl Guy” Clelland for more than a decade, and he is without a doubt one of...
On Boxing Day of 1799 the twenty-year-old chemist Humphry Davy – later to become Sir Humphry, inventor of the miners’...