Uh-oh, those Boston Dynamics guys are at it again. Not content to bully their humanoid Atlas robot, now they’re smacking...
I want to believe. But maybe I shouldn’t want to, as finding alien life – of The X-Files type, or even...
Science fiction has always been a wonderful way of exploring where the cutting edge of science might take us in...
HBO’s sci-fi series Westworld has been on hiatus for the past year, but season 2 returns in April this year...
Just in case you had nightmares about Terminator-style robots trampling on puny, flesh-constructed bodies when the robopocalypse eventually comes around,...
The trouble with making more efficient weaponry is that eventually your enemies will get access to the same technology, and...
If you ever feel that the world is rolling down the wrong path, and we need to re-evaluate our knowledge...
The events of the past 24 hours are yet another reminder that humanity is at a crossroads, suffering from an...