Scientific research into ‘psi’ effects – telepathy, precognition, psychokinesis, etc. – has been published in peer review journals for the...
Another of Jason Silva’s “Shots of Awe” trippy video monologues, in this case discussing mortality and his disgust at the...
Plummeting towards the earth under gravity’s tow, is really something quite beautiful when frozen in time. But time is not...
Excerpted from Mike Jay’s Stranger Than Fiction, available in Kindle and paperback editions from Amazon. The young H.G. Wells seems,...
A hit and run ontological attack in this “performance philosophy” piece from Jason Silva, inspired by some of the ideas...
What we perceive as ‘reality’ is really an illusion – our eyes and ears are only able to sense a...
Excerpted from the short ebook Weaponizing Facebook: How Companies Like Cambridge Analytica Are Manipulating Your Mind, and What You Can...
I posted this over at Air Lasagna earlier, but seeing as I’ve posted about Jeb Corliss’ wingsuit flights before here...