A wonderful little exhibition of sleight of hand by Yann Frisch using just a cup and (more than a few)...
Forget the neutrinos, this guy really can go backward in time (see 3:54 especially for teh mind-blowingness): Awesome choreography, precisely...
I have recently been binge-watching the excellent Devs, the 8-episode limited FX series from Alex Garland (Ex Machina, Annihilation) that...
The real solution to the Fermi paradox? Don’t forget to RT! [H/T Disinfo]...
I want to believe. But maybe I shouldn’t want to, as finding alien life – of The X-Files type, or even...
Rest easy that when the robot apocalypse descends upon us, the only safety measure you should need is to hide...
North America. United Kingdom. Netherlands. Norway. Denmark. Japan. Philippines… An insatiable info-vore with an unending passion for exploring the distant...
Could the creation of an artificial intelligence (AI) more powerful than our own be a dangerous moment in the history...