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Radio 04-03-2005

Here’s the full rundown on the radio schedules for the second half of the week:

Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland: This week’s guest is physicist Claude Swanson, who reports on the building scientific evidence for the paranormal. Linda Moulton Howe rounds out the show by interviewing a scientist who is gearing up to find microbes on Mars.

Coast to Coast AM: Friday is open lines, Saturday’s guest is Ben Chertoff, on how his team at Popular Mechanics debunked all of the 9-11 conspiracy theories, Sunday sees Art Bell talking to Robert Zimmerman about the Hubble Space Telescope, President Bush’s Space Initiative, and Private Space Flight & Tourism.

More details including relevant websites are available at the linked pages above. Remember also that while Coast to Coast is subscription, it can be listened to through KOGO, while Dreamland is free.

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