A strange synchronicity: I was recalling just the other night how my interest in esoterica was ignited as a child...
The title of this anthology gives a hint to its content immediately. One of the more important texts written by...
Does walking into a book shop, looking for intelligent titles on esoteric subjects, give you the cold shivers? Scanning through...
Does walking into a book shop, looking for intelligent titles on esoteric subjects, give you the cold shivers? Scanning through...
The ‘Readers Edition’ of THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES by Manly P. Hall is available from Amazon US and...
Halloween is but six weeks away, so here’s an idea for the devil’s night: prime yourself on the Ouija Board...
As mentioned in the radio updates below: our very good friend here at TDG, Mitch Horowitz (who is executive editor...
The Theosophical Society website has published a thought-provoking essay by an old friend of TDG, Ray Grasse. Ray’s essay, titled...