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Tabby’s Star: Is It Beginning To Look A Lot Like Aliens?

The mystery surrounding Tabby’s Star just ratched up another notch. Or down, considering the data outlined in Benjamin Montet and Joshua Simon’s latest submission to the arXiv, “KIC 8462852 Faded Throughout The Kepler Mission“. Everyone’s favorite “megastructure” star continues to confound mainstream astronomers and the taboo of last resort, aliens, is still on the table.

Montet and Simon discovered KIC 8462852, a.k.a. Tabby’s Star, dimmed by 2.5% over the course of Kepler’s mission to survey the heavens for alien planets. The data lends support to Bradley Schafer’s conclusion [1] that Tabby’s Star steadily dimmed from 1890 to 1989. What everyone and their telescope are getting excited about is the rate of dimming has been increasing according to the Kepler data.

If the rate of dimming increases, this could be the product of self-replicating machines or von Neumann devices tasked to build this putative alien megastructure. When I looked at Montet and Simon’s graphs, I had an insight on how they could suggest the possibility of self-replicating machines or aliens. Rather than charting the curve of the dimming light, but the ‘growth’ of material or machines causing the dimming, the a graph would show a sigmoid curve. In biology, sigmoid curves illustrate population growth [2, 3] through three phases of transitional and exponential growth before reaching a plateau. In this context transitional growth may be the dust of “construction crews” tearing apart an object for raw materials, followed by exponential growth as another segment of the megastructure is created, before plateauing as the ‘bots travel to the next planetary or cometary resource a mere handful of astronomical units away.

The prospect of aliens, despite my speculation, remains unfalsifiable for now. But Montet and Simon do a handy job outlining the unlikely natural explanations most sane scientists would embrace. Astronomers have observed polar star spots on F-type stars like KIC 8462852, but those F-type stars are cooler and smaller in contrast. Also polar spots can’t explain the short-term dips previously observed by Tabetha Boyajian, et al.. Some of the proposed transit events under suspicion for the star’s dimming are even less likely.

For an optically thick transiting object, the 2.5% transit depth indicates a minimum radius of 0.15R* (Boyajian et al. 2016 estimate a radius of 1.58 R for KIC 8462852). If the transiting body is in a Keplerian orbit, the extremely slow ingress time and long transit duration place it at the implausibly large distance of ~10 PC, with a transit possibility of ~10-9.

Fingers are crossed that the Tabby’s Star observing campaign with the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, currently underway after the successful Kickstarter, will capture one of the mysterious long transits. Should the cause is a solid object, like a megastructure, then the dimming of KIC 8462852’s light would be achromatic. On the other hand if the culprit is dust and/or gas, then the starlight would redden.

Maybe in a year we’ll know for certain if the alien hypothesis is still worth consideration. Perhaps some science fiction-types will find inspiration around Tabby’s Star for another big dumb object to fit the mystery. In either case, our interesting times are becoming more interesting by the moment.

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  1. KIC 8462852 Faded at an Average Rate of 0.165+-0.013 Magnitudes Per Century From 1890 To 1989 –
  2. Populations –
  3. Explain the sigmoid population growth curve –
  1. Dyson Swarm
    Dyson’s original idea wasn’t a monolithic structure, but a swarm or cloud of smaller structures, just as Olaf Stapledon envisaged in “Star Maker” (1937) as Dyson has ever since tried to tell people. The idea that the Dyson Sphere was a singular structure has come from SF and pop-sci writings – Bob Shaw’s “Orbitsville” and Adrian Berry’s “The Next 10,000 Years” are examples of both.

    Of course the solar energy capture system might be doing something a bit more exotic than just providing local power. Perhaps the energy is being redirected to more distant habitats? One recent study suggested that for every star there are thousands of planets in interstellar space. If aliens were busily colonizing interstellar planets, then a bunch of redirecting solar collectors would make sense.

    1. money
      I still say that they ran out of money in the middle of constructing the Dyson sphere. Hence the randomnes.

      Of course we could joust be just watching them in the middle of building, But that would not encourage speculation, would it 🙂

      But I do recommend giving the researcher some more money. A lot of $$$ is wasted on toher projects where it is immediately obvious that this is just entertainment for the givers.

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