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October Prize Draw – Mmmm, Toolicious!

I mentioned last month that there would be prizes on offer for those who supported Daily Grail with a ‘voluntary subscription’. Well, this month we begin to honour that promise (I’ll draw some new prizes each month), with the first of our prizes being very sexy indeed: a limited edition artwork by the lead singer of Tool, Maynard James Keenan, personally signed and with certificate (and seal) of authenticity, direct from the inner sanctum of the Tool Temple (thanks Blair!). It certainly would look kick-ass in a frame up on my wall, but I’m sacrificing for the good of TDG and putting it up for one of you lucky folk to win (click the image for a larger view):

Also, I’ll throw in a couple of books as runner-up prizes, just so y’all have a good chance of picking something up. If you want to be in the running for this month’s prizes, you have to have become a ‘voluntary subscriber’ to TDG before the prize draw on October 31 – see below on how to do so. Remember that higher donation amounts give you more chances to win: subscriptions up to $19 get 1 entry, $20 to $49 gets 2 entries, and $50 and up gets 3.

All voluntary subscriptions not only get you in the draw, but also allow me to improve the site, so it’s win-win for everyone. Note too that I’m currently working on a site redesign, which will have more functions and improvements, some of which may be only available to voluntary subscribers. So plonk down a few dollars on a worthwhile investment.


Voluntary subscriptions can be donated via the PayPal button underneath (**accepts credit card details** as well as PayPal account transfers):

(edit 11th May 2011: the button has now been removed due to a change in PayPal account)

I’ll announce the winners of the October Prize Draw in early November.

    1. Guitar…what guitar?
      [quote=Rick MG]So Bono didn’t get back to you regarding the front-row U2 concert tickets and guitar signed by the Edge (with lessons)? Ah well, I’ll keep dreaming…[/quote]

      Yeah, he got back to me…

      *walks away whistling happily*

      Kind regards,
      You monkeys only think you’re running things

  1. Dear Greg …
    …the ‘functions and improvements’ to the website sound okay I guess, but please don’t change the format too much – it’s just fine as it is and feels like home.

    My sincere thanks to you and all of the team for making the Grail what it is. Much appreciated, and I keep spreading the word to others.

    Regards, Kathrinn

  2. Excellent!
    Whew, oh my goodness. Does that certificate mention anything about necessary devices of protection for hanging that piece of art up in your home? I’m sure it would be a great weekend to let loose some cthonic entities of Kenneth Grant lore, but having an off button is always welcome. 😀

    1. The oracle
      [quote=TEMPORALTIMELOBE]so can you use a visa debit for donations? cause that’s some awsome work by maynard.[/quote]

      Hi TTL,

      The PayPal button seems to allow access to some cards – give it a shot and see if it works.

      Kind regards,
      You monkeys only think you’re running things

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