Some news briefs to enjoy before you sink into a chocolate coma…
- Memories within myth: the stories of oral societies, passed from generation to generation, are more than they seem. They are scientific records
- The Holy Grail of Grail stories – where did the legend begin?
- Islam’s forgotten bohemians: with its subversive poetry, rejection of politics, and ecstatic rituals, Sufi Islam continues to surprise and to thrive.
- The therapy part of psychedelic therapy is a mess.
- There’s only one real way to combat conspiracy theories, says major new review.
- Geneticist Adam Rutherford on how eugenics, ‘Darwin’s monster’, took over the world.
- Life: Modern physics can’t explain it – but a new theory, which says time is fundamental, might.
- Crazy ants’ strange mixed genomes are a biological first.
- Are we near the end of animal testing?
- Someone asked an autonomous AI to ‘destroy humanity’ – this is what happened.
- Why humans will never undertand AI.
- Video of the Day: AI is BS.
Thanks to @[email protected].
Quote of the Day:
Tech companies are powered by hype.