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Trick or Treat? Elizondo and Mellon Join Avi Loeb’s Galileo Project

Yesterday (Halloween) the Twitter account of the Galileo Project –the multidisciplinary study founded by Harvard’s astronomer Avi Loeb which seeks to detect and confirm evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence, be that in the form of artificial probes flying through our solar system or even claims of UFO activity– announced that TTSA’s former associates Chris Mellon and Lue Elizondo would be joining their ranks as “research affiliates.”

The official announcement on their webpage –in which Elizondo and Mellon are mentioned as “renowned advocates for UAP transparency” states the following:

“The Galileo Project will greatly benefit from the broad knowledge base and wisdom of Elizondo and Mellon,” said Professor Loeb. “We all share the goal of identifying the nature of UAP and of anomalous interstellar objects like `Oumuamua.”

As research affiliates, Elizondo and Mellon intend to support the Galileo Project’s mission through the selection of sites where the UAP-Scope systems will be located and in assessing the societal implications of the data, if any extraterrestrial technological signatures or artifacts are discovered.

“The Galileo Project, under the leadership of Dr. Loeb, is precisely the direction our scientific and academic communities should be taking regarding this topic. Deliberate and methodical research, along with strict rigor will help ensure the tenets of the scientific method are followed and the spirit of science remains preserved,” said Mr. Elizondo.

“It is deeply gratifying to be associated with this unprecedented effort by leading academic scientists to rigorously assess a phenomenon that has for far too long suffered from inappropriate stigma and fear. It takes a renowned and courageous scientist of Dr. Loeb’s stature to confront orthodoxy and explore possibilities that genuinely have the potential to transform our understanding of the universe and humanity’s place within it. I’m thrilled to be part of the team,” added Mr. Mellon.

As someone who has been following the rise of both Elizondo and Mellon as celebrities in the niche world of UFOlogy ever since the disclosure of the AATIP program in 2017, I can’t help finding this bit of news somehow puzzling. After all, when Loeb launched Galileo back in July of this year, he made it very clear they were not interested in relying on classified data or reports obtained from military personnel, nor they would be seeking to dig up more info on old UFO stories like Roswell.

So then, what could Elizondo or Mellon (who are not scientists) possibly bring to Galileo’s table (is Big Lue gonna tell Avi about those ‘UFO photos with occupants’ he supposedly saw but can’t tell us about due to his NDA’s?)? Especially now that Elizondo’s role in studying UAP reports for the US government comes into new scrutiny after the release of Skinwalkers at the Pentagon, the new book co-authored by George Knapp, Colm Kelleher and James Lacatski which seeks to reveal the hidden history of the precursor project to AATIP (AAWSAP) before Elizondo had anything to do with unidentified flying objects.

Among some of the things exposed by this book is that AATIP was barely able to enjoy any of the funding secured by former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, back when he and other fellow Senators initiated the program and it was awarded to Reid’s long-time friend (and campaign backer) Robert Bigelow.

[…]Now AATIP in the Pentagon, as described in the articles, was basically zero funded, looked at specific military UFO encounters and very important ones because they had film and it had no contract.

~Dr. James Lacatski, former manager of AAWSAP

Perhaps one of the things in which Elizondo and Mellon could be useful to Loeb’s project is in helping them navigate through bureaucratic red tape, once they inevitably begin to deal with government and military authorities –or maybe they can also make sure Galileo doesn’t stick their nose in sensitive classified programs Uncle Sam does not want us to find out?

In 2017 Mellon and Elizondo joined former punk rocker Tom DeLonge at the brand new To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences with a promise of unparalleled transparency and an unprecedented push to bring UFOs into the mainstream. Four years later UFOs did lose some of their stigma; but they are nowhere near to be fully recognized as a true anomaly worth investigating, while TTSA imploded.

Let’s just hope Galileo doesn’t follow the same fate.

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