When it comes to intelligently exploring and speculating on topics at the edges of science, there are few better resources than the Journal of Scientific Exploration (JSE), published by the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE).
It’s been a go-to source for me for years on a number of topics ranging from ufology to altered states of consciousness and near-death experiences. Sure, you’re likely to find a number of topics that you don’t agree with the research or conclusions – but that’s part and parcel of the wild territory at the edges of knowledge.
Until now though, to access copies of JSE – even electronically – you either had to pay a fairly hefty (though justifiable) subscription, or access to a library that stocked the journal. But that’s all now changed, as the SSE have now gone ‘open-access’ with the journal and are providing it on their website free-of-charge!
This is a fantastic development and the SSE should be lauded for it. And it’s worth remembering, that this latest move is complemented by their already generous offering of the free PDF magazine EdgeScience (now up to issue #39) and the posting of a number of their conference videos on the SSE YouTube channel.
Providing all of that quality content in various formats certainly doesn’t come cheap, however, and so the SSE now have a Patreon page where you can support their efforts. If you have any interest in the exploration of ‘new paradigm’ science we cover here on the Grail, then I urge to you to chip in a dollar or five to the SSE and make use of these fabulous resources!
Support the knowledge givers, rather than self-promoters and money makers, and help make this world a better place while exploring weird science.