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News Briefs 18-09-2018

Dance like it’s Halloween every day

Quote of the Day:

In 2023, as the host I would like to invite 6-8 artists from around the world to join me on this mission to the moon. These artists will be asked to create something after they return to Earth.

Yusaku Maezawa

  1. I am male and because of my interest in crystal energies, orgonite, meditation, and “intent” have been called a “witch.” It’s not a term I engage with because what I am feels unconstrained by stereotypical language. I am also neither “liberal” nor “conservative” and don’t engage with those terms either for much the same reason – they feel like impertinent and simplistic stereotypes. That said – I do know of people like myself who do adorn themselves with the title “witch,” and who also describe themselves as being politically conservative.
    To wit:

    Why A Conservative Witch?
    In Which Your Wiccapundit Explains It All.

    In this inaugural post, I will venture to reveal something that is truly occult (that is, hidden) – how a witch came to be politically conservative, or how a political conservative became a witch. First, a bit of terminology. Most Wiccans (and many pagans) try to live their lives in accordance with what is known as the Rede (see the FAQ for definition): An it harm none, do as you will.

    This is not, as some might think, a license to be libertine. On the contrary, it imposes a significant obligation on us as witches. We can choose to live our lives any way we see fit, so long as we do not cause harm to anyone, and we are responsible for the consequences of our choices and our actions. The “an it harm none” portion of the Rede, of course, must be considered in light of what is required to live. Some believe that this prohibits the use of animals for food; others believe that because in nature animals eat other animals, that this is not prohibited by the Rede.

    Similarly, most believe that a prohibition on killing (much as with the Christian Sixth Commandment; more specifically, murder) does not apply in the case of self-defense, military necessity, or in some cases capital punishment.

    I was conservative before becoming a witch. I found the belief system of the Wiccan faith to be largely consistent with my political views. However, I learned early on that many witches and pagans (though not all, by any means) were decidedly left-of-center politically. A brief rundown of some generally accepted conservative political positions and how they relate to my religious beliefs follows:

    First Amendment freedom of religion – Of Course.

    Second Amendment right to bear arms – If I choose to arm myself to protect myself or my family (and I do), I will “do as I will”, but I am responsible for my actions in doing so. – Consistent.

    Belief that individuals have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. – Hmmm, that sounds like… the Rede.

    Belief that individuals should be self-sufficient as much as possible, and endeavor to help others help themselves rather than doing things for them. – Consistent.

    Right to Life – Although many liberal witches are stridently pro-abortion, I believe that the Rede’s “an it harm none” provision prohibits taking the life of the unborn, except in the most dire – and usually rare – medical situations. The “do as you will” (but be responsible) provision means to me that an individual should be responsible if their voluntary sexual activity results in an unwanted pregnancy. – Consistent.

    There are many issues facing the American people, and the conservative position on virtually all of them is something I am at least accomodating of, if not outright endorsing. In upcoming posts, I hope to engage intelligent, thoughtful (and one hopes, funny) people in the swirling political cauldron (gratuitous witch reference) that is this great nation.

    Goddess Bless America.


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