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People of Earth: A New Comedy Series about Alien Abduction Experiencers

People of Earth is a new comedy series that premiered last night (Halloween) on TBS, starring former The Daily Show correspondent Wyatt Cenac. The entire first episode has been made available online, and is embedded above.

After a car accident, reporter Ozzie Graham (Wyatt Cenac) travels to the rural town of Beacon, New York to write an article on a support group for victims of alien abduction. His reporting leads him to realize that his memory of his accident may not be accurate—but instead a cover-up for his own experience with extra-terrestrial species.

I was fully expecting to hate this show, thinking it would be cheap laughs at the expense of experiencers (whatever you think they actually are, there is no doubt that many people have the experience – and many are terrified by it). And there certainly are cheap laughs, but the treatment (at least in the episode above) is good-natured and quite sympathetic to the experiencers.

And it helps that there’s some basic research behind it: screen memories of seeing animals like deer is a central part of the storyline, as is the topic of the range of ‘species’ of aliens involved (the Greys, the Reptilians and the Nordics).

Give it a try above, and let me know what you think.

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