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News Briefs 26-08-2016

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Thanks @AnomalistNews and @DanzierLea.

Quote of the Day:

Belief is the enemy.

John A. Keel

  1. None Dare Call it Conspiracy
    The most humorous thing about the HAARP link was the video explaining the physiological “anatomy” of “conspiracy” as if any student of history does not run into legitimate human created conspiracies all the time while not being a victim of wayward brain hard wiring. The term “conspiracy” before it was hijacked to be some sort of catch-all phrase used for political purposes is an oft employed historical term to denote when people get together in secret to accomplish things they would rather not be generally known about. Dare I say that keeping secrets is a fundamental aspect of the human condition.

    The more recent co-opting of the word morphs it into a generality almost exclusively defined to mean “wacko.” It must be uncomfortable now for police departments, lawyers, and judges to talk about “conspiracies” any more without flinching so successful has the co-opting been. The media onslaught that bandies about the term with reckless abandon is kind of jaw-dropping to behold. A lot of effort is going into lumping any and every speculation about secretive human machinations into one big tranche labeled “conspiracy” with the apparent ulterior motive being to shame anyone who doubts “official” explanations of any events at all as being the reality. “Conspiracy” as it is now defined has become a very Orwellian example of “newspeak.”

    Believe it or not, I am able for instance to hold in my mind the genuine conspiracy of the chemtrail op without having to impose upon it the idea that HAARP is involved although I must quibble slightly with HAARP’s assessment of the ramifications of what it does. HAARP is engaged in activities that sure as hell can affect weather. Whether you believe HAARP is some benign “study” or something with much more potential to create some serious mischief depends I suppose on your assessment of the general thrust of the military/industrial complex. Electromagnetics now resides at the top of US military concerns and investments especially since Russia appears to have leaped ahead or at the very least achieved parity.

    1. “Psychosis”
      “Shortly after taking the drug, participants who received LSD reported an increase in psychosis-like symptoms, including visual hallucinations, spiritual experiences and paranoia.”

      “How can a drug that creates a temporary psychosis lead to such pronounced long-term optimism?”

      Ergo – experiences that include visual hallucinations and spiritual experiences are not expected to ever have a chance of producing optimism?


      1. WTF?
        “Machine learning helps Apple choose news stories for you.”

        “…none of those AI powers can pull those things off while protecting privacy as closely as Apple does.”

        So, selectively filtering your newsfeed is not an invasion of privacy? How is this any different from what Facebook does?

        1. “FreeSense…is nonintrusive
          “FreeSense…is nonintrusive and privacy-preserving compared with existing methods [of human identification].”

          So, we have a method of personal identification that also monitors movement within the home hooked up to the internet via WiFi with one’s “identity” already established by the computer in the chain, and somehow it is not intrusive and it is privacy protecting. I can see it now – before engaging in sexual intercourse couples living within their WiFi net will close the curtains, take the phone off the hook and shut off the WiFi.

          My hat’s off to the amalgamator of today’s TDG links – there is enough cognitive dissonance in the story lineup to choke a whale.

          1. XD
            [quote=emlong]“FreeSense…is nonintrusive and privacy-preserving compared with existing methods [of human identification].”

            So, we have a method of personal identification that also monitors movement within the home hooked up to the internet via WiFi with one’s “identity” already established by the computer in the chain, and somehow it is not intrusive and it is privacy protecting. I can see it now – before engaging in sexual intercourse couples living within their WiFi net will close the curtains, take the phone off the hook and shut off the WiFi.

            My hat’s off to the amalgamator of today’s TDG links – there is enough cognitive dissonance in the story lineup to choke a whale.[/quote]

            oh god I died laughing at this! Thank you for that.

          2. CogDis
            [quote=emlong]My hat’s off to the amalgamator of today’s TDG links – there is enough cognitive dissonance in the story lineup to choke a whale.[/quote]

            Shit, I’m not making it that obvious now am I…?

          3. “Mind Control”
            A more recent buzzword used by professional debunkers is “mind control.” If you want to discredit a “conspiracy” right out of the starting gate then make the headline or opening sentence an eye roller about how such and such a conspiracy alleges “mind control.” The tactic here is to paint a certain picture in the mind’s eye for the general public who have only a marginal and casual interest in such things. If the glance at the article implies that the chemtrail project, or HAARP facilities, or whatever are believed by these wackos to be about “mind control” then it is much easier to just move on to something more palatable and lamestream like what a satanic demon that Putin is.
            I have no idea what percentage of people cling to the notion that chemtrails, or HAARP, or cell towers, or whatever are completely about “mind control,” but it is certainly not a majority. For all I know they could involve mind control (mood control more likely,) but it is also likely that these are unintended effects, or at least were unintended at first; and more importantly they are almost impossible to prove at this time.
            In the case of chemtrails the two most obvious utilities are dimming the atmosphere to inhibit global warming and modifying the weather. Those make the most sense, and it is what is observably happening which is why they are not mentioned at all in the more trollish debunking articles. What makes the most sense about the glaringly in-your-face chemtrail project is not what the obfuscators want people to be thinking about.

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