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News Briefs 04-09-2012

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Quote of the Day:

Knowledge is power.

Francis Bacon

  1. Ancient flood myths may have
    Ancient flood myths may have basis in real floods from melting ice dams at the end of the last ice age? This isn’t news. Graham Hancock delved deeply into this in his book Underworld – which is now about 10 years old… Go Graham!

    1. Noah’s Flood
      I went to a lecture years ago by geologist Walter Pitman, who along with William Ryan surveyed the Black Sea and found evidence there was cataclysmic flooding 7500 years ago. He theorised that this pushed coastal survivors into the mountains of Anatolia and Iraq/Iran, where archaeological evidence is suggestive of such a massive migration event. I recommend Pitman and Ryan’s book, Noah’s Flood — regardless of their migration theories, the evidence is pretty clear cut of a Great Deluge in the Mediterranean/Black Sea about 7500 years ago.

        1. ice age
          it may harken back to when the first really big ice age began to melt and overflowed pretty much everything. the ice sheet went down as far as north africa and as it receded the oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. rose while other places, like the sahara, became dry. this could in turn reflect a global flood of coastal areas, which is where most early human (and even today) civilizations lie because they relied on the sea’s resources. thus, “the world” at least their world became flooded. then it was passed down in story after story generations later.

  2. Monster Mistake!
    Oh, that Neil…

    The moment he mentioned Darklore, he says “I think they’re Canadian or something?” (¬_¬)

    And no, Inannawhimsey, it ain’t nothing against you Cannuck boyz & galz 😉

    1. from the Combing-the-777-Beaches-Dept.
      [quote=red pill junkie]Oh, that Neil…

      The moment he mentioned Darklore, he says “I think they’re Canadian or something?” (¬_¬)

      And no, Inannawhimsey, it ain’t nothing against you Cannuck boyz & galz ;)[/quote]

      Sorry for the creation of the US; we were trying to make a race that could dance perfectly. Good thing we’re so close to them; we have to keep an eye on our children…

  3. milky highway
    if you think the transit system is bad, try waking up late and trying to get on the underworld interstate at 5AM when the on ramp to exit 33 is closed because some dumbass demon decided it was okay to drag the lost souls of 1000 people across the road, and now he has to go back for stragglers! Tied up traffic for 2 hours, which in otherworld time is like 2 weeks! Then you gotta pay the toll trolls to get off the interstate and i spilled my coffee on the damn receipt which made it turn into a bunch of little bat demons that flew around the inside of my car like mosquitoes! then i had to find a parking space had to park all the way on level H8 , which is actually better than 9. tried taking the ferry, ran out of tokens, had to walk.

    i’ve had one hell of a morning 😛

          1. Construction

            Man, there's been so much construction work obstructing traffic all over the city, I've become like a raging bull going mad every time I see an orange safety vest.


            The worst is when you see them doing nothing, except wiggling their stupid warning flags as if that's going to help speeding things up >_<




          2. LOL
            Ha! RPJ I can see it now, “Crazy Driver in Mexico Plows Through Midday Traffic,” trying to become a “Red Pill of the Day” news story aren’t you!


  4. Temporary Temples

    They are a spiritual Rorschach test, reflecting back what we want them too.

    Very well put. Though I kind of feel the same could be said about pretty much the entire scope of the Fortean world.

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