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News Briefs 10-02-2012

You reached for the secret too soon…

Quote of the Day:

The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory is that conspiracy theorists actually believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is chaotic. The truth is, that it is not the Jewish banking conspiracy or the grey aliens or the 12 foot reptiloids from another dimension that are in control. The truth is more frightening, nobody is in control. The world is rudderless.

Alan Moore

  1. robots
    these robots could be influential in the medical world. they remind me of the heart stints placed in my cousin after her heart attack.

    imagine, powered by the air you breathe.

  2. US drones
    In regards to the “drone” story above, I believe there is another aspect that people don’t realize. In the US, you are not allowed to shoot commercial photos from a RC plane or copter (drone) because of the rules in place right now. Just about anyone can put together a decent quad-copter for under $300 US and attach a Go-Pro digi cam and take footage of your backyard all day long, but people aren’t doing that. There are a huge number of positive commercial applications for private UAV’s, but we simply aren’t allowed to do it. That doesn’t mean I can’t slap a camera on my helicopter and monitor your back yard all day long, i just can’t sell the images.

  3. More misinformation about astrology by sloppy “skeptics”
    In regards to the link above that takes us to Chris French’s article in the Guardian, “Astrologers and other inhabitants of parallel universes”:

    Many supposedly scientific debunkers deride astrology but have done little research on the subject. That’s one reason why these ill-informed “skeptics” spread so many ignorant lies. For instance, Chris French and his brethren say that astrologers think the stars and planets emit invisible beams or electromagnetic waves — or something — that affect people’s lives. The truth is, most astrologers don’t believe any such thing.

    Just as clocks tell time but don’t create it, the movements of the planets show us patterns that can be read as clues to our psychological unfoldment. But the planets don’t CAUSE or INFLUENCE our behavior.

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