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News Briefs 20-04-2011

Farewell, Sarah Jane.

Thanks Greg.

Quote of the Day:

“The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never tell if they are genuine.”

Abraham Lincoln

  1. BP Oil spill
    In contrast to this report, Florida fishermen are reporting bumper catches of good quality fish… BBC News.

    So who do you believe? Those getting on with their lives or those waiting to cash in with claims against BP?

    Still, whoever is right, the oil industry must make sure this cannot happen again and sort out the cut-off valves.

    1. Checking the url
      The ‘B’ stands for British, right? marvelous coincidences 😛

      To be fair, I haven’t read anything about contaminated fish in Mexican newspapers.

    2. 87 Octane Crustaceans
      [quote=Nostradamus]In contrast to this report, Florida fishermen are reporting bumper catches of good quality fish… BBC News.

      So who do you believe? [/quote]

      Well, Captain D’s (Fastfood seafood) has been running a ‘Double Dozen’ special on shrimp that you can eat and then sell the tail/shell hulls to the local refinery…

  2. Re: The JFK-UFO connection:
    Re: The JFK-UFO connection: fake, or a truth you can’t handle?

    Just imagine if you will, that even one of these theories were founded on fact…

    Roswell – Real aliens crashed in a real flying disk and real bodies were recovered and stored away behind a wall of lies 70 years.

    JFK – Killed by his own government for political reasons and/or UFOs… and Lee Oswald was killed before he could tell us about it.

    RFK – Killed before he could take the helm of government in the 1968 election and expose those who had assassinated his brother.

    MLK – Killed because he stood at least an even chance of someday doing what Obama supposedly did four decades later.

    The 2000 Presidential Election – Carefully guided to produce George W. Bush as the winner regardless of the voter so that the 9.11 conspiracy could be carried out.

    9.11 – Planned and carried out either by elements within the US Government alone or through collusion with an allied nation or nations, to position US military assets in Iraq for any of a number of reasons and legitimize the eventual decommissioning of the US Constitution.

    Barack Obama – Shoehorned into the White House even though he was born in another country. Why? For the purpose of creating a calming situation in the poor and minority communities for the decommissioning of the constitution and all the political and economic storms that were coming.

    Even if one of these regularly visited conspiracy theories was proved true…

    Inquiring minds might want to know but I’m not convinced my country could survive the knowing.

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