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Dream Science

Christopher Nolan’s Inception has hit theatres and is making a big impact on audiences (currently #3 ranked movie of all time on IMDB). The plot of the film revolves around the world(s) of our dreams, in particular the idea of lucid dreaming – a type of dream where you are ‘conscious’ that it is a dream and can control the dream as you please. In a happy coincidence/synchronicity, this year I’ve been working with author Paul Devereux on an updated version of his wonderful book on that very topic, which not only explains the history of research into dreaming, but also shows you how to create your own ‘virtual realities’ by teaching you how to have lucid dreams. The book should be out in the next few months, so make sure you keep it in mind if you see Inception and are keen to learn more about the topic.

In case you’ve been living in a lucid dream for a few months, and haven’t seen the trailer for Inception, take a peep:

While we continue to work on the book, here’s a selection of recent news stories about dream research (no doubt inspired by the movie’s release). Warning – minor plot discussion/spoilers in some:

And of course don’t forget our recent feature article here on TDG by Ryan Hurd, “Taming the Night Mare“. Stand by for more news on the Devereux book as it gets closer to completion.

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