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UFO Disclosure: Million Fax on Washington

Obama’s election as U.S. President heralds change for many Americans, but will this include changing the veil of secrecy and disinformation on UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation with transparency? Between November 5th 2008 and January 20th 2009, you are invited to take part in the biggest global effort to convince the American government that the people are ready for the truth — the Fax On Washington UFO disclosure campaign. It’s the initiative of the Paradigm Research Group, established in 1996 by political activist and consultant Stephen Bassett.

Simply send a letter, fax and/or email to the senatorial office and transition headquarters of the President Elect Barack Obama calling (politely) for UFO disclosure. Letters, handwritten or typed, are preferred as all are opened and read. Most faxes are as well, but if you send an email you’re rolling the dice and will most probably end up caught in a spam filter. Do not send your letters to the White House, only the senatorial office and transition headquarters:

The Honorable Barack Obama
President Elect of the United States
713 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Fax: 202-228-4260

With John Podesta head of Obama’s transitional government team, this is a golden opportunity to influence and inspire positive change. The goal of the campaign is not to convince the new government that UFOs are extraterrestrial. The goal, as John Podesta makes clear, is “to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon.” No more secrecy, no more lies, no more ridicule, just transparent, impartial scientific study, and honesty with the public.

Remember, the Government works for us, not the other way around. People have the power. By inundating Obama’s office with letters calling for UFO disclosure, we can affect change through sheer numbers. The truth is out there, and we can handle it.

Important. Please notify Paradigm Research Group (PRG at paradigmresearchgroup dot org) when you send a letter/fax/email to the President Elect. This will help PRG to generate media interest in this effort.

    1. Sorry for not commenting
      The thing is, I don’t think Obama would look into the UFO mess, not on his first term anyway. They—his enemies—would crucify him, and even his supporters would embarrasingly look the other way.

      Unless… there was another massive sighting like the one in Phoenix 10 years ago. Maybe that would be a good excuse.

      Yes, Stephenville was really impressive, but for a politician it is not compelling enough to risk a career.

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

      1. Obama, career, worried ?

        of course Obama is worried about his career, and much less so about the UFO issues.

        I would suggest asking for disclosure in a polite and reasoned way. And I would suggest keeping it short. 4 or 5 lines, they don’t read any more than that.

        If something is kept silent, it could well be more interesting that UFOs from ETs.

        It is not how fast you go
        it is when you get there.

        1. Hmmm
          4-5 lines, eh?

          …Well, maybe by Xmas I could send him a UFO-related postcard. But I don’t make any promises! Darklore 2 is on its way, along with Fallout 3 😉

          It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
          It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

          Red Pill Junkie

          1. yes 5 lines or less at the start
            Honestly the good part, containing the important information has to be very short, and it has to be in the front.

            Additional supporting info, and the qualifications of whoever sends it, will be ignored if the first 5 lines are not right.

            It is not how fast you go
            it is when you get there.

  1. Low Expectations
    I’m not going to get excited about this. The UFO issue, even if secret, should be huge enough to really change a President’s behaviour. I would think you would be inspired to greater heights from fear or awe, or you would be completely shattered by the knowledge. The past 60 years of Presidential action aren’t very encouraging from either party. It’s likely the President may be kept completely in the dark about UFOs, let alone be in a position to release information.

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