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The 2012 Phenomenon

Last week at Cabinet of Wonders, Emps posted a piece about the 2012 meme:

It won’t be long now until we are only four years away from 2012 and with the global economic meltdown in full effect it is tempting to worry that there might be something in it. This is exactly the climate doom-mongers and salvation-peddlers thrive in and I fully expect to see everything starting to ramp up soon. We’ve already seen some odd behaviour in Holland and an attempt to… sex up Armageddon and that is going to be nothing compared to some of the things we are going to see in the next few years.

So we are always grateful for a more level-headed analysis of the issue. I’ve previously looked at an good paper from the journal Nova Religio and so I was interested to see that Skepsis have posted what looks like the full text of an MA thesis called “‘The 2012 Phenomenon‘: A historical and typological approach to a modern apocalyptic mythology.”

I feel like I’m in a growing (or is that dwindling?) minority of people that are saying “what’s the deal with this 2012 thing?” I’ve not seen anything to really convince me that 2012 is likely to bring some sort of apocalyptic event or turning point in human history. The Mayan calendar has an end-point there – what else have we got? For me, it just seems that 2012 offers some sort of touchstone for New Age hope – it feels rather like the whole Nostradamus 1999 prediction/millennial fever all over again. Apocalyptic movements are, after all, a common part of human history. So what makes 2012 different?

Post away – convince me I need to start building a bunker and gathering cans of food!

Update: Added a new poll on the topic, which you’ll find in the info blocks on the right side of every page.

  1. I don’t know
    Since the last 2 years, it has been my wicked delight to spoil the joy of my loved ones during New Year’s eve by reminding them “Watch out! Only N years ’til the End of the World!” 😉

    Do I really believe the ‘world’ is going to end? I don’t know… probably not.

    Greg’s right, there’s nothing much to support the 2012 date, although if you’re determined enough, you’d be able to find things like this.

    But what do we mean when we say ‘the world’s gonna end’? ‘world’ may mean something very different to another person. To some the world is the planet, to others is their Mac mansion and their Humvee; they couldn’t envision life without them.

    I voted that massive changes would occur, because let’s face it: the only thing constant in this life is change.

    But even if one of the many worst-case-scenarios would happen to come true, like for instance… the stock markets REALLY hit the bottom, or the USA invades Venezuela and Russia intervenes; even if that happened, I think that somehow we’d still make it. Possibly not all of us, but how’s that different to any other day since our little rock began to spin around the Sun?

    Maybe what I fear the most, is that things stay stagnant like they are now.

    …But yeah, I’m still gonna play ‘doom-sayer’ during my family’s New Year’s Eve. Hey! someone’s gotta do it 😛

    It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
    It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

    Red Pill Junkie

    1. This one is different
      The difference with this prognostication is that there’s actually some science to back up at least this date as being “interesting”. Of course there are many…MANY conjectures that are downright bizzare as you would expect with any apocalypse, but there there are some interesting facts.

      A great kind of clearinghouse of 2012 facts is at the site:

      It doesn’t try to decide which are right or wrong, but it presents all of the facts that are around. One of the most interesting objects from the Aztecs surrounding the mythology of 2012 is the “Dresden Codex” which is the Aztec document describing the upcoming end of the current age. If you’re interested, it’s all at that site and it goes into specifics about the mythology and pretty much everyone’s take on it.

      Myself, while I always keep an open mind, I think they may be onto something. If you take the Aztecs at their word, there will be a cataclysm of some kind. There already have been four before this one. Could it be just a change in civilization? Sure. It’s an “end” of sorts. Is that how they depict it in their text? No….they pretty much say big flood….

    2. worse than you think ?
      a possibility that is worse than you think has been presented (by me, 30 seconds ago). The world will run out of Tequila in 2012. This will not, in a purely technical sense, be the end of civilization. But it will feel like it.

      It is not how fast you go
      it is when you get there.

      1. RPJ, the end of tequila
        RPJ, the end of tequila would certainly spell certain doom for many of us here, myself included! Let us damn you for presenting this possibility into the time matrix, but praise you for your potential prophecy!!! Let the Agave fly!!!

        1. End of Tequila???????????

          It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
          It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

          Red Pill Junkie

  2. Not long until…
    Gee whiz, 2012 sounds a lot like Y2K.

    Lots of BS and then…oops, nothing happened. Where were all the planes falling out of the sky, electrical grids failing and the general mayhem that was meant to happen?

    It goes to show that (some) people will believe what they want to believe no matter what. have a look at the dark ages – omens everywhere and when something happens there is all the “See? That was foretold!” Hahahaha!

    There is a law of nature that cannot be ignored. A fool is born every minute…and for each one of them there are people to exploit their foolishness happily.


  3. This Involves Choice
    Not long after experiencing what I describe at , I read The “Unknown” Reality, Volumes One and Two, books of Seth’s teachings channelled by Jane Roberts.

    Despite the above experience, I found the Seth books interesting and in some places a bit like science fiction, but nothing more, really, until I started to do the exercises found in the above two volumes. (I was unemployed at the time, such that I was also able to alter my sleep patterns per Seth’s suggestions: Two 1-hr. naps during the day and about 5 hours of sleep at night. According to Seth, this would ameliorate the schizoid pattern of modern humanity, which separates self into waking and dreaming selves, innate intuitive abilities mostly relegated to the usual 8-hr. sleep period with its not necessarily fully appreciated dreams — such a pattern would enable a greater integration.)

    Everything changed when I did the Preliminary Probable Self Exercise.

    (See — it’s the second exercise on that page.)

    I lack the time to get into the topic in any depth, but the exercise gave me an experiential taste of what Seth call “probable realities” and the selves that inhabit them. The altered consciousness engendered by doing it lasted for some days, and extended into my dreams.

    That was in 1982, a great many adventures ago.

    A very short version of probable realities suggests that someone’s personal reality splits whenever they make a choice — if they are presented with two choices, two probable realities and selves result. (There would be no way to verify this if not for the above exercise; there is a kind of meta-self or oversoul through which you can consciously access another probable self; all are inwardly connected.)

    The same applies to mass choices.

    What this says to me is that 2012 offers many possibilities; for some it will likely be much as 2011 and 2013, but not all.

    I like the idea not of cataclysm but of an event of widespread consciousness expansion; kind of a collective crown chakra expansion in which (per Aurobindo) the “supermind” descends into the conscious minds of many.

    I’ve never put a specific date on this (I call it “The Change” but there are of course many names for it), preferring a probable range of years between now and about 2075 or so.

    There is a passage in Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul quite unlike the rest of the Seth material in that it mentions a specific date — 2075 — in conjunction with certain activities of an incarnation of Saul of Tarsus involving “methods” he spreads that have quite an effect.

    I’ve guessed at these and tried to approximate them, in my own humble way. See my Regions of Self Focusing Exercise, also at . It’s the fifth exercise found there.

    Also, the Channelled Wells speaks of The Change in several places on the site and even links it to 2012 in one essay.

    Again, this involves choice, and I would choose to experience such an event but even though I am really good at consciously creating my own reality when it comes to finding obscure items at yard sales, in thrift shops, and by the side of the road, usually a few days after I focus on them, I’m not really a master and can’t say with 100% assurance that I will experience anything like The Change. If I do, I can’t say this will be in 2012.

    In closing, here’s an allusion by Seth to something of this nature, also found in The “Unknown” Reality, Volume Two:

    “Christian theology sees the end of the world in certain terms, with a grand God coming to reward the good and to punish the wicked. That system of belief allows for no other
    probability. Some see the end of the world coming as a greater disaster, or envision man finally ruining his planet. Others see periods of peace and advance-and each probability will happen “somewhere.” However, many of my readers, or their offspring, will be involved in a new dimension of selfhood in which consciousness is fully explored and the potentials of the soul uncovered, at least to some extent.”


    Bill I.

  4. Solar cycle prediction
    RPJ: As an astronomer with some training in solar physics, I would like to comment on the so called 2012 solar cycle maximum.

    Recent studies show that the maximum prediction by Dikpati & Gilman is very unstable. If you change the model even a litte bit the prediction is very different (very little solar activity actually).

    This mean that we can not trust these predictions at all. The predictions are based on solar dynamo models, that in itself have lot unknowns. How can we trust the predictions if the theory they are based on still does not work well?

    1. Good point, Jaguar
      It’s not that I believe the sun is gonna fry us all in 2012; but we also have to understand our world is a very complex system where minimal changes have chaotic & massive results.

      Example: 2 planes collide on 2 buildings, and this single —horrible— event changed the fate of probably billions of humans for decades to come.

      What would happen if by 2012 15 or 20% of our satellites malfunction, as a result of an over-exposure of solar radiation? Could we fathom the chain reactions that could cause to our economy, and the planet?

      And I’m not the only one worried about that. I recently read some scientists were trying to find ways to insulate our satellites against this —minor, but potential— threat.

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

  5. We’re all gonna die!
    Not to plug or anything, but we actually did discuss 2012 a bit on Ep. 7 of my podcast and what it might mean, and I basically said that if something really crazy did happen on that day, some technology or dimensional opening, etc then I would ingest 5+ dried grams in honor of Brother Terrance!

    But otherwise, get in the 2012 t-shirt business because by 2010 you’ll be swimming in orders…

  6. The Changes Have Already Begun!

    Refer to my comment under the poll itself!

    What do you think?


    {You Can Teach People How To Think Or What To Think; But, You Can’t Do Both! It Is Better To Teach People How To Think!!!}

  7. 2012 debacle
    You’re not the only one in a ‘minority'(?).
    If we link the idea of death to the tarot, all it will symbolize is change.
    And I think it’s a high waste of thought and time.
    Death is a pleasure that we all get to enjoy, so it can’t be that bad.

    Really enjoying the posts, site and general sanity/humour you bring to the day!
    Peace, my Aussie neighbour.

  8. 2012
    A while ago I had a sudden flash of insight into what would really happen in 2012. It was nothing like any of the usual suspects, i.e. it had nothing to do with the Mayan calendar, there was no apocalypse and no singularity, none of that stuff. I had a flash of something else entirely and I knew, as soon as I had it, that it was right. It was logical and accurate and the only possible correct “meaning” of 2012.

    Unfortunately I neglected to write it down and now I have absolutely no idea what it was.

      1. Poo
        Just a steaming pile of poo.

        I thought that Pinchbeck’s “Breaking Open the Head” was quite engaging, with flashes of brilliance.

        Unfortunately, after he Broke Open His Head, the Feathered Serpent rushed in, and he hasn’t been the same since.

        His “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl” is one of the better arguments against psycedelics I’ve seen recently.

  9. The 2012 myth
    Supposedly the Aztecs are very specific and end their calendar of December 21, 2012. Now thats very rude of them; ending the world just 4 days before Christmas. I’m an old fart, and I’ve lived through at lest a dozen end of the worlds in all my years. So on December 22, 2012, I plan to send out my Christmas cards just like I always do; assuming of course that I’m still here to do it. AND I will be, unless father time decides I’m old enough. The Aztec calendar long count ends on December 21st 2012 and I’m sure that if there are any Aztecs left that can do it; they will begin a new long count on December 22,2012. We won’t live to see that one end. The Aztecs and Mayans were very well versed on naked eye astronomy (not having telescopes) and they marked time in cycles. The long count simply marked, for them, a very long cycle in the heavens. It was strictly an intellectual exercise. See ya Christmas 2012. Happy New Year!

    1. Mayans & Aztecs: a little clarification
      The Mayan calendar is the one with the end date of 2012.

      Now, how the Aztecs enter the equation? Well, the Aztecs gathered old legends from older cultures —they were like the Romans, who absorbed a lot from Helenic tradition— and so they had the legend of the 5th Sun, which namely deals with the Myth of the creation of the world by the Gods, and how they attempted 4 times to create human beings, but something went wrong each time (the humans wouldn’t move because they made them with wood and so they burned them, or they weren’t able to speak and so they turned them into monkeys, or they wouldn’t worship the gods & they sent a jaguars to kill the proto-humans, and lastly a flood); so now according to that legend we are living on the 5th sun (Tonatiuh Ollin), and this humanity will come to an end too, this time through earthquakes.

      Why earthquakes? That’s the orthodox explanation, because “Ollin” means ‘movement’ in náhualt (the Aztec language), and Mexico’s central valley is highly seismic. We had a terrible 8.5 earthquake in 1985 (Sept 19th) BTW.

      But, you could also interpret “Ollin” as a social movement or cultural instability. After all, the Aztecs and all the mesoamerican cultures had this idea that Time is cyclical, and that from a lack of movement comes decline and stagnation; a good jolt is the best remedy for that 🙂

      I remember Jaime Maussan (infamous Mexican Ufologists) saying on TV that the 1991 UFO seen over Mexico city during a total solar eclipse was the sign that we had entered the Era of the 6th sun. But I’m not sure if many Indian shamans agree with that assertion.

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

      1. Translation – or how to get into trouble without trying,,,
        Nice to see your comments regarding translations such as “Ollin”.

        If I may digress a little.

        A person who speaks two languages is called “bilingual”

        A person who speaks three languages is called “trilingual”


        What would you call a person who speaks only ONE language?

        Give up?

        American… 🙂

        I could not resist that…sorry.

        Anyone who speaks more than one language knows full well that translation is an art…it is not simply changing words. Words are how we communicate thoughts and concepts and for any translation to be accurate it must go far beyond words. Culture plays an important role into how and why thoughts and concepts come into being.

        You brought up a very important point – does anyone know everything they need to know about Mayan & Aztec culture, thought processes and daily life to absolutely correctly translate fragments of their culture into today’s culture, thought processes and daily life?

        Educated guesses would be the correct answer and not definitive.

        The Spanish made sure of that when they came and declared “You’re all Christians now” and made damn sure to burn what ever they could find which was “heathen”. (swell)

        Don’t even get me started with the bible… 🙂

        So there you go…


        1. I agree
          Translation without minding the proper context is a mess; that’s I doubt we’ll see an automatic translation program that actually works any time soon 😉

          And there’s also the problem of the cultural bias archeologists have when studying a culture other than their own; specially if it is a dead one.

          It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
          It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

          Red Pill Junkie

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