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News Briefs 02-05-2008

How do I work this thing again?

Thanks Rod.

Quote of the Day:

I incline to the acceptance of many stories of miracles, but think that these miracles would have occurred if this earth had been inhabited by atheists.

Charles Fort

  1. Orson Scott Card got it very wrong
    Re: Nancy Stouffer and her “Larry Potter” book.

    Just got home from work, but had to make a quick comment on JK Rowling. Orson links to Nancy Stouffer as an example, which is a shame because if he did his research he’d know Stouffer is a lying lunatic. Here’s the Summary Judgement of Stouffer v. Rowling. Neil Gaiman sums up the lexicon brouhaha as well. My heart is with Rowling, but my head is with Gaiman.

    I’ll say no more because a> I haven’t read any of the Harry Potter books, nor seen the movies, and b> the plot of Harry Potter sounds a wee bit like Jill Murphy’s classic Worst Witch books, first published over three decades ago, and I’m an unwashed philistine who doesn’t think Rowling has created something original and unique and bigger than the Second Coming Of Jesus H. Christ, an heretical view that will get me assassinated by some bespectacled nerd throwing pointy Dungeons & Dragons dice.

    Besides, Kat will kill me. 😉

    1. Harry Potter is completely unoriginal… and great
      It’s a great example of the mish-mash culture of our day. Borrow from every and any source you can imagine,and mix it to come up with something different. It is not something that came out of the blue, but that’s no reason not to find something enjoyable.

      For the record, I haven’t read the books either, but I have enjoyed the movies very much. Especially “Prisoner of Azkaban” —the fact that it was directed by Alfonso Cuarón has nothing to do with it, charolastra’s word! 😉

      It’s not the depth of the rabbit hole that bugs me…
      It’s all the rabbit SH*T you stumble over on your way down!!!

      Red Pill Junkie

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