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Fortean Times #216

Fortean Times #216 is now out on news-stands. Here’s the rundown of articles:

  • Last of the Megaliths: The Kelabit people erected massive stones to honour hallowed forebears – until contact with outside influences during World War II. Mike Jay explores the jungles of Borneo for one long-lost megalith before the logging companies show up.
  • In Search of the Mad Gasser: Jonathan Downes investigates a classic example of mass hysteria in the American Midwest, and finds the case is not necessarily as mysterious as it seems.
  • Village of the Vanished: England’s villages have been abandoned for a variety of reasons over the centuries, but Leigh Driver uncovers the tale of a Dorset community forced to abandon its home during World War II and excluded ever since.

Head to the Fortean Times website for further information, and while you’re there browse through some of the great free articles from past issues.

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