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News Briefs 15-11-2005

The inquisition, let’s begin…

  • Catholic League calls off planned Walmart boycott after retailer apologises for customer service email which labelled Christmas a mix of world religions. So let me get this straight…the email basically pointed out the truth concerning Xmas traditions, and encouraged an internationalist and inclusive policy – and Walmart apologises to the Catholic League for the offence caused and fires the person who wrote it?
  • For the first time in 1300 years, the Tibetan Book of the Dead has been translated (in its entirety) into English. Available in Jan-Feb 2006, pre-order from Amazon US and UK. Definitely one for the serious bookshelf.
  • Pope Benedict XVI says the Universe is an intelligent project. Shhh, don’t say that intelligent word too loud…
  • Because whatever Intelligent Design is, it’s not a theory and it’s not science.
  • Meditation thickens key parts of the brain.
  • Why is Buddha smiling? Because he has treasures inside his head.
  • Is it time for Hindus to reclaim the swastika from the Nazi desecration?
  • Revealed: the real story behind the Iraq Museum thefts (Amazon US).
  • Ecstasy may damage the brain’s physical defences. Wonder if anti-E people will cite this study though, as it also says that dosing as an adolescent may remove the negative effects of E in later life.
  • How William Shatner (that’s Captain Kirk to you) changed the world.
  • Robot asteroid hopper is lost in space.
  • Graphite found to exhibit surprising quantum effects.
  • Meteorite-hunter hits the jackpot, finding a rare million-dollar, 600kg whopper with his metal-detector.
  • Europeans descended from early hunters, not later farmers, gene study shows.
  • Ancient inscription hints that Israelites in the 10th century BCE were a literate bunch.
  • International showdown could fracture the Internet.
  • Physics professor thinks bombs, not planes, toppled the WTC.
  • Mothers were right with their cold advice. Mothers++
  • Scientists break the brain’s visual code.
  • National Geographic video highlight: huge iceberg crumbles off Antarctica.
  • Dolphin games: more than just child’s play. That’s ‘calf play’ to the politically correct out there.
  • Harriet the Tortoise, who may have journeyed with Charles Darwin on the Beagle, turns 175. I went and saw Harriet a few weeks ago, coincidentally on my grandmother’s 100th birthday. That’s one way of making you feel young…
  • Mothman expert discusses latest research.
  • George R.R. Martin: the American Tolkien? I guess all you need is two inital R’s in the middle of your name.
  • Sci-fi writer Dean Koontz accused of racism. That’ll teach him not to have two R’s in his name.
  • The next Harry Potter film is almost here.

Thanks Pam.

Quote of the Day:

It’s good to be the king.

King Louis/Mel Brooks

  1. Intelligent Project
    The Pope has cited the universe’s ‘Intelligent Project’. This is surely a mistranslation from the Italian. What he was probably saying was ‘intelligent design’.

    The ID campaign is being waged by Protestants in America, and now apparently the Catholics are joining the fray. However, the cuurent Pope’s comments are at odds with those of Pope John Paul II who said evolution was “more than just a hypothesis”. Benny the Dick is winding the clock back, but that’s what we expected, isn’t it?

    In Australia, Campus Crusade for Christ has been working on a DVD “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” outlining the ID theory, and are sending it to various Christian schools around Australia as a religious marketing exercise.

    1. Demons by any other name…
      The Mothman may be the single strangest, and most disturbing, story I have ever encountered. The stories and reports seem to describe a genuinely supernatural creature, which reads minds, defies the laws of physics, and knows the future. It is disturbing for the same reason that the emovie “The Exorcist” is still credited in polls as being the most terrifying horror movie of all time — because it is perportedly based on reality and not just some screenwriter’s imagination.

      – Peter

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  2. Iraq Museum theft
    People cannot imagine the depth of the tragedy that is the theft and destruction of so many items from the Iraq Museum.
    I believe I remember someone, was it Rumsfeld? saying that the US army was advised not to allow any looting of the museum and to guard it at all times.
    The millions of pages of illuminated Islamic texts are burned, some of the oldest writing ever done.
    Can anyone tell me why?

    Thanks Greg.


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