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Yahweh Comes Through

For those following the bizarre story of ‘Prophet Yahweh’ announcing to reporters that he could summon UFOs at will over Las Vegas: an ABC-TV affiliate decided to take him up on his offer a few days ago. Lo and behold, Prophet Yahweh came through with the UFO as promised – story and video here. Thanks Teemu.

    at a guy is posting his dreams as predictions. he correctly predicted a grenade being thrown at bush, the train wreck in japan which hit a building and killed over a hundred, and the bird flu in asia. those are just the 3 i noticed, he claims to have gotten many more right, including lottery numbers.

    on january 31 he has a dream about “vegas, ticket, 6 years, home”. on march 9 he has “Watch the nights sky during the next couple of months for something beautiful. … Not exactly sure if a meteor can do this, that’s when I had my other dream, and you really don’t want to know what that was about, unless you believe in aliens, and I do not.” on may 23 he says “Several UFO sightings will make news headlines… A picture of the UFO will be very popular in the internet.”

      1. shape of things to come
        Hi Earthling,

        I suspect you, just as i did, scanned thru his may predictions, and yes there’s obvious ambivalence, and the quote you make is too obvious – but first the situation needs to arise that such a photo will be made. This i think is the major part of the prediction. Anyway the airbus crash is very in your face, he even scribbled its series number a 380. The french specially fear sabotage by boeing and friends- we all know how they hate serious competition. The nuke attack scribble too is a bit suspect as it ‘clearly’ depicts the korean peninsula and not japan.

        I was stunned by the counter 83 million hits (!). Cant say much about the rest, and as these things go, some will manifest, as to why this all american guy started to come up with goods like this ? I’m glad i don’t dream of disasters everynight.

        ” do unto others as you would have them do unto you “

        1. counters
          You can set most page counters to anything your heart desires 🙂

          I looked at the TV clip about the “Yahweh” UFOs, those spots in the sky looked and moved like airplanes over southern california. My guess is that alien space craft avoid the area because there is too much air traffic there, civilian and military. Given all the traffic, and the relatively clear sky conditions, it is hard to look up in the sky and not see aircraft down there. Or perhaps I have this one backwards, they are hiding in plain sight, disguised as 737s.

          1. or is it
            Earthling, im aware you can set counters, its well known. That said, why open yourself to more disbelief displaying such counternumbers.

            As for the video, i guess you will be the last to see anything you dont believe in. ( Kat had an excellent article in her news on this, well worth while, .

            ” do unto others as you would have them do unto you “

          2. LA video
            Well, I have seen aircraft in the california sky, and I have seen the flying spots in this video. The two looked the same, why would I conclude it is something else?

          3. not believing is not seeing
            Hi Tox,

            Since no one commented on either of them, I’d been wondering if anyone other me had read those two articles (with one more to come).

            So what do you think — does the universe exist independently, or are the beings that observe the universe a necessary component without which it would cease to exist, with the implication being that consciousness has existed from the beginning, and therefore exists independently of form?

            Hindus express their opinion on the subject in their definition of the term ananda: that joy in existence without which the universe would fall apart and collapse.

            As a child, I learned another version of the same thing from Peter Pan — every time someone says they don’t believe in faeries, a faerie dies.


          4. ever ever land
            Hi Kat,

            That’s a BIG question you ask there. It’s safe to say that earth existed before humans observed it, therefore the first thing we need to do is remove ourselves from the center stage. The next step is to acknowledge that we as a species have only a limited view on what is (out there horatio), we have to assume us living in substate of what is.
            Our consciousnesses do reach other levels, however i’d say not as much in a way that we willfully can apply any benefits that might come with it. In fact its been activly decleared heresy by church (rock) and (a hard place) science, evem if latter reached the bounderies of what is knowable when heisenberg declared his principle.

            Centuries of vehement disbelief have created a world from where it is difficult or even blasphemous to take off (as it where). These days both powerhouses have lost enough of their control to enable a revival of ancient (shaman) days where the mystery of all that is (experienced) is questioned.
            Considering that back then there were only a limited and isolated number of individuals active in this, nowadays many millions meditate and experiment. Thusfar not as guided as possible and often activly opposed by vested interests and their oh so logical sceptic minions.
            However all this could change quickly, shared experiences will enable humans to take giant steps into these unknown realms. Evidently it remains unclear how much and what kind of new (‘alien’ ) opposition turns up, whatever happens it would validate the quest and open up new horizons for the human conscience to explore, thereby reshaping our society aswell.

            Oops. is deviated a bit from your question,
            ” does the universe exist independently, or are the beings that observe the universe a necessary component without which it would cease to exist”
            Well i think sentient observation enriches the quality of our universe, withdrawel of this observation does not collapse our universe i think. The conscience that gave rise to our universe probably moved on, in the sense that the artist moves on to create another work. Sticking to that metaphor, its just as possible that new touches are added, or parts erased/painted over.

            ” do unto others as you would have them do unto you “

          5. ever ever land
            I gather you’re looking forward to reading Graham Hancock’s new book Supernatural.


          6. does it matter?
            There is another implication: does the universe cease to exist if all conscious beings in it disappear? Personally I don’t believe that is the case, nor does it matter to the conscious beings. There are of course people who will first determine that a question is not answerable, and then proceed to provide the answer with great certainty.

          7. the matter of mind, myth
            I kinda like the open-endedness of the unanswerable. Heck, I don’t even like my sheets tucked in, much less have a need for “scientific certainty” with regard to what are, at this point anyway, philosophical ideas. On the other hand, when building and operating nuclear reactors and such, one damned well better have as much certainty about what one is doing as is humanly possible.

            But that may not even have been what you were talking about — my lack of clarity, not yours.


          8. hard questions
            It is of course important to know which questions we can answer, and which we cannot. Thinking about the consequences of potential answers to unanswerable questions can be useful in itself, for the sake of understanding methods. I am just saying that often people embrace a solution to a problem when they know there can’t be one. For me, it is preferable to accept the journey as the goal, rather than an unreachable destination. A lot of people are not comfortable with that, they don’t like to hear that sometimes, there is no answer.

          9. No answers?
            I do not believe that there is anything for which there is no answer. I would say that there are many things from which our psychology is shielding us at this end of the spectrum, namely the ego. I would say though that most everything is not understandable in the sense that our intellectual mechanisms imply that we will attempt to control the answer and that as a consequence we miss the point and the origin. Understanding is a limiting psychological function onto which we rely totally to support the impression of fitting somewhere in the scheme of things until we have reached a sufficient level of self-realization through the integration of our entire psychic entity as a force of creation. Such self-realization means the destruction of the experimental nature for the total integration of the memory of the experience to create a next level of consciousness of the spirit of the individual and not the amplification of psychological mechanisms that would only strengthen the illusory self-gratification of pride in accumulated knowledge to which the ego is attached to palliate to its total lack of real answers.

            Thinking is part of the problem as thinking takes a limitative form that excludes all the ramifications to consequentiality that come with the realization of an answer. In other words, if we could communicate the vibration of the answer, the reception of such would contain all the ramifications, potentiality and causality of it, which would for instance enlighten the permeating nature of consciousness in the projection of the fabric of the spatio-temporal material universe.

            Trying to put this into words would then require complete encyclopedias or require an infinitely long explanation to match the infinity of the movement of energy. This worded explanation would barely scratch the surface of the reality of that movement of energies through ethers that result in the manifestation of the perceived universe, which could also be considered manifested unrealized consciousness in evolution. Worded explanations would indeed be more efficient if the ego stopped trying to understand and worked from the vibration that is vehiculed by words thus realizing the consciousness of multiple ramifications implied, not by the memorially attributed value of the word but by the carried implied information of the spirit of the word.

            Our relationship with words, our attribution of a value as a coding system is a reason for the hermetism of symbolism that encapsulates a limiting view of otherwise vast information sources and shields the ego behind an impression of mechanical comprehension that denies him the right to know. We as egos are then forced to revel in philosophical acrobatics to which we assign virtues and wisdom even if they are founded on ignorance.

            There is never anything fundamental in the intellectual exercise of understanding, only the intellectual excitation of feeling useful in augmenting the overall impression of control over our environment; of augmenting the impression of knowledge supported by the accumulation of stringed limited wordforms that become definitions, categorizations and knowledge by consensus but that never support the fundamental realization of the answers.

            The incapacity to give answers thus does not lie with the unavailability of answers or their lack thereof but in the incapacity of the wordform to cryptically support reality beyond psychological concepts and the incapacity of the ego to distance itself from its conditioned attachment to the form because the current nature of human consciousness is a consciousness of form and not of substance.

            This puts the concept of a destination back to where it belongs, in the psychological projection of the empirical intellect who is forced to work out of memory to support a form used in the thought process, trying to understand what cannot be understood but that can only be known. The movement of energy is infinite so there cannot be an absolute destination but there can be realization phases. Destination remains a concept and a concept remains a form.

          10. Richard and I again 🙂
            There are questions which do not have answers in the framework they are asked. This usually has to do with something being finite, like a top speed allowed for information transfer. For these cases, whether you find an answer does not depend on your capabilities or your attitude, there is no correct answer.

            You can of course step outside of the system (as least in the metaphysical sense) and thus get around these limits. This is what you (Richard) sometimes prefer. I prefer to stay within this universe. Some people step outside of logic.

          11. Earthling and I again 😉

            Of course Earthling, I have to say that of you are right. Given the current psychic and psychological framework that supports our experimental consciousness that we take for our own, real and fundamental answers are hard to come by. It is not a question of capability but a matter of fact. Further reason to question at least the nature of a psychological process that does not yield a measure of reality but rather a measure of a need to fill the void that is a reason for so much insecurity and sense of powerlessness over our lives with induced subjective mechanisms that create an impression that we associate to a reality of which we otherwise ignore the nature.

            I see the top speed allowed for information transfer to be limited by the mechanical nature of intellectual consciousness. Trapped within these limits, not only the speed but the computation capacity as well is a limiting factor.

            I concur with you that getting answers is not a function of attitude at all but a potential that lies totally outside of attitude bearing psychological mechanisms. In that sense, answers are not found but rather infused through the gate that otherwise is closed by attitudes. Attitude is one psychological construct that keeps us prisoners of our condition and that insures the unfolding of a life plan. We don’t then really do what we want since what we want is already conditioned with attitudes therefore free will is as real as a program can be free.

            Logic is the process of the intellect. Technically speaking, you can prove anything using logic, even if the proof is not in line with reality. The ego will tend to satisfy itself with the proof, content to have the impression of having gotten somewhere, of having achieved something, even though nothing real was achieved but only the refinement of a necessary process that will not find its final use before this cycle is over. The proof is the false security of the ego who wants to believe that he is not powerless in regards to his experience and logic is the process that supports the proof. Of course, the proof and its logic are only as good as the time impaired to them by the seeking of further proofs. This has been the basis of our mechanical progress as a civilization but has not been a support of transformation of the mind; rather the mind has been trapped by the force of impression that this process had upon him and that was a necessary step for the creation of the intellect. The intellect cannot give answers but is forever seeking to understand. We then use our tendency to philosophize to justify and even glorify our need to understand even if that very process does not lead to knowing since it does not yield answers.

            In the mean time, we do not have the choice to bypass the system, we are the system. When the system is changed, we have changed. What we can do though is consider the reality of the psychic structure underlying our impression of existing. This alone can create a realization shock that in the end we never are what the experiment has made us identify to even though it is the way that we feel about our consciousness. It is still possible to see beyond the program of human consciousness up to a level because even the current consciousness has ties beyond the material sensorial enclosure even if it totally magnetizes our impressions of ourselves.

            The more we take a psychological distance from our impression of being human, the more we become human in its finalized reality at the experimental level.

            The more we look from outside the psychological shell of the ego, the more space within the psychic framework of our mind is vibrating at the spirit level VS a soul, memorial level.

            In that sense, if one considers spirit as pre-personal, outside of the form, one can realize the advantage of this mode of looking, as it benefits from a pulsation that presupposes or pre-exists self-consciousness and simply is. Being less involved then in the limiting psychological mechanisms of rationality, it is then more possible to see what is with a lesser level of interference, with a lesser level of interpretations. Our own reality being silent outside of the form does not create a conscious impression; being totally drowned in the noise of thought forms to which we then associate.

            If someone finds this exercise useful then great, otherwise no need to think about this.

            I wish I could be to the point and as short-sentenced as you are Earthling! You are very concise and to the point. Makes it much easier to read you than reread myself!

      1. That’s interesting. Mike Haye
        That’s interesting. Mike Hayes has been researching the number seven in world myth and religion over at Graham Hancock’s Mysteries board. I’m IndianaJones. 😉

        I gotta run. Sorry for the no news today guys, but I just found out about a funeral which I need to be at.


  2. aliens in the limelight

    I’m impressed, so were the tv guys, giggling uneasy at the end of the item. Dear o dear ruining the country with all that defense spending and then this ufo’s turning up at will.
    Now then prophet yahweh equates ufo’s and ‘ the bible ‘ here (on tv), it must be a shock, and its no surprise there are people out to kill him, can’t have such mundane things as ufo’s at the core of our belief now can we ?

    Well i think if they truly manifest now it must be in support of …lets see who will step up to the plate. A warning though- i said it before; where there’s one there’s more than one faction or species. Indian myths have spelled out how carefree they make war on eachother and anyone that happens to be in the way or just around. Can’t say i’m really looking forward too aliens in the limelight.

    ” do unto others as you would have them do unto you “

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