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News Briefs 04-04-2005

I’m not spreading any rumours about Philadelphia experiments and yowies today, just the news:

Thanks Kat and Max.

Quote of the Day:

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

Aldous Huxley (1894 – 1963)

  1. Lots for me today. I think I
    Lots for me today. I think I shall have to move to Tasmania though. What would make that a done deal is if they ban all those brain dead stupid reality shows. I am sick of watching people make idiots of themselves on TV. I am sick of mass produced pulp. And I am sure as hell sick of all the American adverts on TV. It is as if we are not even important enough to warrent our own 30 seconds of effort. Lucky for me I only watch one or two hours a week now.

    1. I rarely watch television any
      I rarely watch television anymore. The only shows I religiously tune into are Battlestar Galactica, Lost and the odd documentary or two. Oh, and the sports and weather news (I avoid the main news like the plague, but I do watch SBS world news every now and then). I’m bored of The Simpsons — after watching it for the past decade, day after day, enough is enough. One thing that really annoys me are housemates who, the moment they’ve arrived home from work or wherever, go straight for the tv remote, turn it on at loud volume — and they don’t even sit down to watch it! It’s like they’re brainwashed, they need to have the tv on at all times. I just don’t get it. Every night, the tv is on, and they sit there, flicking through the channels, waiting for something good to come on. I’d happily live in a house without a tv, to be honest.

      As for American commercials — it’s cheaper by far for Australian networks to buy American ads than it is to make aussie versions. So they buy the American ads and sometimes dub over with aussie accents. Australian, American … I find any commercial annoying, the country of origin is a mute point for me! 😉

      Ah, thank the gods for the internet eh ..?

      1. Much the same
        I find most TV purile to say the least. I have heard the statement, “I like to sit there and zone out” many times and it is a strange comment. Do you then not watch and dream about something else or is it in fact so crap that it forces you to another mental plane. The repeat stuff really gets me. It happens with everything nowadays music especially. I can’t remeber the amount of times I have had to correct someone for thinking that a song is original when it has been plagiarised several times. Maybe this is one of the main indicators that we are in for a major earth change. We just can’t come up with anything original anymore. Surely after reality tv shows it’s gotta be the end of the line. I better watch out the God of TV might get me!


        1. God of TV
          Hey, don’t mock the God of TV, he just might exist! Read a book called American Gods by Neil Gaiman (Amazon US or UK. I can not recommend it highly enough, it is brilliant. Basically migrants and travellers brought their old gods from their countries of origin — Africa, Europe, etc. Now the Old Gods are competing for America with the new gods of media, money, etc. It’s a surprisingly dark and deep book and utterly spellbinding, you’ll read it from cover to cover in a single session. It’s good fun guessing which god is which, from what country’s mythology, too.

          Let’s not blame TV, but rather the people who use it for evil. 😉

          1. biddy biddy biddy
            What was that robot’s name? He had that funny shaped head, reminded me of something, I can’t quite remeber…hmmmm.

            Neil Gaiman, same guy who brought us Good Omens, I shall take you up on that. You are right about TV ofcouse, us humans ruin everything we touch, several gazillion episodes of “the bold and the beautiful” are a testement to that, it’s pure evil. When I was a kid I did love the old sci fi stuff, space 1999 and Blakes 7 to name but a few. Doctor Who was our favorite though, Tom Baker was the bees knees as far as my brother and I were concerned. It aint what it used to be that’s for sure.

            Boomer as a girl, what were they thinking..


          2. biddy biddy robot
            Identifying sound effects from a subjective spelling is always an iffy proposition, but it “sounds” to me like you’re referring to Twiki from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.


          3. Stretching it
            I realize now that it has nothing to do with Galactica at all and I shall crawl back into my box. Great Twiki sound though Kat. Takes me back to sitting on the couch with my brother, totally absorbed in the 25th century.

            Yes, gary coleman, surreal..


          4. Gary Coleman wasn’t on Buck R
            Gary Coleman wasn’t on Buck Rodgers was he? I remember having a crush on the female lead and thinking that Gil Gerard (SP) was a weaner. I think there was also a show at that time that was about these guys who owned a junk yard and put together a Space Shuttle, Then there was Bermuda Triangle, Man From atlantis and the classic ABC cartoons. I loved the Wombles, Clangers and SeaLab 2020 as well as Wheelie. So don’t go back to your corner come and share the memories. Good god do you realise we are probably the last to remember what it was like before FM radio?

          5. lol not too much. I was raise
            lol not too much. I was raised by gret aunts and grandparents. Only one had a TV and that was an old AWA 12″ Black and white job. Funny how it all seemed so much more innocent back then

          6. it was innocent back then…
            it’s now the rot has set in.
            When is that baby going to pop.I’ve been holding my breath and crossing my legs for weeks.

        2. Re: Much the same
          Like the unconscious reality behind the thought process, the ego being a channel, when sitting down in front of the TV, it gets filled with the material it is presented with that ends up replacing the thought process. Pre-digested forms with no spirit.

          We are in the era of McThoughts, McNews and McPolitics, all of them disposable ’till the next fad. It is not that psychology is any different, it is the nature and source of the material and the amount of it. There is just so much that can be remembered at this level before it needs to be replaced, refreshed.

          If one has no real identity or at least not even the beginning of one, what comes out of the set becomes as personal and subjective as the thought process and irreality becomes truth.

          1. Well yes. I agree. I think th
            Well yes. I agree. I think that our minds are filled with with “garbage” by watching television. But as a species we have a long tradition of listening to stories. I am not saying this is the same because it is not. Hearing a story and picturing it in the minds eye is way different than having the whole thing made up for us. I do like watching some tv though, documentries I think fall just outside the bad catagory but this depends on what bias is creeping into the making of them. Then I also like watching a little escapism every now and them. Movies and TV should never be considered a replacement for reading, and this is where I think most of the “potatoes” get it wrong. As you have said it makes the brain lazy and just ends up giving us a canned story complete with all the images we probably should be making up ourselves

      2. TV = OPV = omnipresentvision
        >>housemates who, the moment they’ve arrived home from work or wherever, go straight for the tv remote, turn it on at loud volume — and they don’t even sit down to watch it

        Both the book, Papillon, and the movie based on the book, bring to mind the worst form of torture for humans, i.e. total isolation from other humans. Although television arguably was a major factor in our precipitous loss of the sense of community, for some of us, using a television as a source of background noise composed of relatively familiar human voices eases the sense of isolation, and the regular characters on our favorite shows become a substitute for the intimate relationships we lack. Since the members of online communities have at least a few things in common, those virtual relationships can be a more satisfying substitute for intimacy than tv characters. But while we may succeed in communicating with others online, the internet’s typed comments and/or chat still can’t amend the silence of an isolated environment like the human chatter from a television.

        For those who prefer the sound of silence, there are a few things that might make tv chatter more bearable. If it’s a newer tv, you can probably plug headphones into it. It might help to rearrange the furniture so that the tv’s speakers point toward the upholstered furniture, which would help absorb some of the sound, rather than having it placed where it projects toward the room at large. You could get a couple of disposable soda cups, remove the bottoms, and then tape the larger opening over the tv speakers, so that the sound is then literally funneled toward the viewer instead of being broadcast toward the whole room. The easiest thing might be to invest in some good foam earplugs which lower perception of all ambient sound by about 30 db.

        None of those may work, however, due to a couple of other factors. Ironically, probably the next-to-worst form of torture is living with humans you can’t stand. And one of the most effective ways of at least partially blocking them out is to create a barrier of sound with a loud tv. Of course, there are also plenty of humans who instinctively like to mark their territory, but instead of the method animals typically use, they do it by dominating “their” space — perhaps by leaving their clothes (and hence scent) all over the place, or by filling the space with their signature sound, i.e. their loud tv.

        So you might be in a situation where three strong, and possibly instinctual, motives for a loud tv are in operation. In which case, the best solution might be to find a less onerous group of humans to live with.


        1. I’d rather just turn the tv o
          I’d rather just turn the tv off and hide the remote. 😉

          P.S. I forgot to thank Kat and Max for help with the news again. I think I’ll just make a permanent banner at the top of the site thanking them both for their wonderful help and advice (although I’m still going to China later this year, Kat … sorry, but nothing will sway me).

  2. Rumours?
    They were rumours?
    You told lies?
    Or you told secrets?
    Which is it Rick?
    I know Greg himself said he came home with a plaster cast of a yowie foot.
    And I know Bill has a dangerous secret job with the government because he and I have talked about it here.
    So it must be secrets.
    I think we maybe should all keep our lips buttoned for Bill’s sake.If you’ve been spreading rumours about him disappearing Rick, there could be trouble, I imagine it’s top secret.

    Now…how come some sites I can’t get.LIke for instance I can never get New Scientist.The site comes up and then an ad and then nothing after.
    The same thing is happening with the site on NDE.It comes up and then disappears.Is it me?
    I know my printer isn’t working at present.
    Which is a damn nuisance I can tell you, as I mostly print stuff to read it.

    Rick is that fair dinkum about Bob Brown and the Simpsons? I was singing his praises the other day.Dunno why now.
    He’s a funny bugger, sometimes I like him and other times I can’t stand him.
    WHY would he have the Simpsons banned.It’s the best and cleverest show on TV.I agree though that I am tired of it, but then I am tired of pretty much all TV. I can’t sit there long enough to watch anything through.
    Why didn’t the bloke in Russia just change channels, or why not turn the TV off.
    Gee people make life difficult for themselves.

    Thanks for the great links.It will take me a while to get through them all as I am a bit funny today with the wind.
    (I mean I can’t see ptoperly).


    1. lol I only watch Stargate and
      lol I only watch Stargate and the odd doco. I cant get SBS anymore and I find that frustrating. I have tried very hard to get into the New Battlestar, but failed miserably. It is just not as good as the first one.

        1. I’m still wrapping my head ar
          I’m still wrapping my head around the fact that Boomer is a gorgeous woman in the reimagined series, whereas Boomer was a black man in the original. I feel a little odd. Ah, love knows no boundaries …

          1. Battlestar
            You think you’ve got problems; my little sister looks and acts a lot like Starbuck (new one).

            And no, before anybody asks, you can’t have her phone number, email, smalls etc etc etc.

            Changing the subject hastily, Neverwhere is also a top book, as is Smoke and Mirrors.
            I think Neil Gaimans work is great and count American Gods as one of my favourite books.

            Anansi Boys looks good too!!!.

          2. Hopefully I’ll get to meet Ne
            Hopefully I’ll get to meet Neil when he visits Melbourne in July for Continuum 3. 😉

            My favourite Neil Gaiman book, after American Gods … actually, it might even surpass it … is Stardust, it’s a little gem of a fractured fairy-tale. I especially love what the fallen star turns out to be. Classic.

            As for Starbuck … a serious case of ADHD. And she’s in charge of a fighter with nukes? Yikes.

          3. Stardust
            I like Stardust to, although I still think I prefer American Gods.

            Have you read Winters Tale by Mark Helprin.
            (Amazon url is 25 miles long, but im sure you can look up if you want to)
            I read it 20 odd years ago and still think about the beauty and mystery of New York in an America that is not forgotten, but lurking just beneath the surface, well underneath the supersizers anyway.

            And by the way, I still find it hard to believe anything you b******s say after the pyramid model at the end of the shaft April Fool type stunt a few years ago.

          4. books
            I have ordered a heap of books by Joseph Campbell thanks to you Rick.Primitive Mythology,Oriental Mythology,and some other mythology and The Hero with 1000 Faces.
            I think there is another one too, can’t remember.
            I am now going to order the Neil Gaiman books you mentioned.I couldn’t get Hamlet’s Mill, don’t know if you recommended that one.I am so excited.


          5. Wish you were here
            SO you could take a lookie loo at my library….It is no fun with no one around to sit and read and yak with…
            Dr. Colette M. Dowell ND
            Circular Times
            Moving Forward Publications

    2. Simpsons
      “The show is still unable to be shown on free-to-air television in Tasmania however, thanks to Bob Brown, leader of the Greens Party, who led the push to ban it many years ago. No joke.”

      I too find this hard to believe. I couldn’t find anything on the web about this.

      You have expressed anti-Green sentiments on this forum before.

      Rico, what reasons did he give? (If true.)

      “And now, Springfield, here is the man who embodies everything about rock and roll, except the music, Homer Simpson.”

      1. You’re joking mate
        You’re joking right?
        Rick anti-green?
        I’ve seen him post heaps of stuff on global warming and GM crops.
        Rick is one of the good guys when it comes to posting links on how to keep the earth clean and tidy.
        Sorry Lee, but you’ve got the wrong Rick.


        1. I have a pretty sharp memory
          I have a pretty sharp memory and I vividly remember Bob Brown being a member of the Tasmanian parliament, leading the charge to ban The Simpsons — this is at least 12 years ago. Heh, ironically, Bob Brown and George Bush Senior were both denouncing The Simpsons at the same time!

          I’m not anti-Green, Lee, and I’m not biased — I hate all politicians equally! Hate is possibly too strong a word though. I consider myself pretty green — I abhor logging in old-timber forests, I abhor polluting the environment, I abhor the loss of wildlife and flora. I guess it’s the way we go about protesting these things, and I find Bob Brown too politically slick and smarmy for my liking. What we need is a Chuck Norris or a Steven Segal, a down-to-earth earnest action hero, fighting for the oppressed! 😉

          I just find it odd that Bob Brown, who advocates freedom of speech etc, has his hypocrisies. Although it’s not odd really because he’s a politician, and I expect hypocrisy from politicians.

          No, I’m not bitter, honestly … 🙂

          1. Simpsons and Bob Brown
            Hi Rico,

            Maybe you’re not the same Rick I remember, but you still come across as anti-environmentalist, rather than anti-environment.

            Perhaps you prefer Peter Garrett before he became a politician? He’s the closest thing we have to Steven Seagal, unless you have someone else in mind. Who is your environmental hero? 🙂

            I’d like to hear from a Tasmanian about this Simpsons-banning thing.

          2. not hypocrisy
            Free speech and the promotion of degeneracy are two different things.
            Speech is the intelligent discourse of opinions and ideas. (similar to what is supposed to take place here.) It is not any and all types of audio/visual expression. It is not subliminally loaded entertainment. Free speech should not be carte blanc for allowing any and all forms of brainwashing and blatantly degenerate subversion. every culture and every society, if it does not protect itself, can and will be degraded and diminished by the programmed propaganda of degeneracy. When widely disseminated it has the same corrosive and destructive effect on the psychological, moral, and social health of the body of society as a slow drip of poison would have on the physiology of your mind and body. Just as you cannot disregard and abuse your health without the inevitable consequences, so will any society suffer decline that allows free access to meme viruses. Just think of the insidious operation of viruses, and you will see why a body must have a functioning, and vigilant, immune system. Shut off the immune system and the process of deterioration and death quickly accelerates.
            A nation cannot afford to allow itself to be Simpsonized. A nation of Simpsons would be both incapable of self preservation, and unworthy of emulation. How obvious it is that a Simpsonized nation is the ideal dream of the elite aristocracy. Just as Homer loves his beer and donuts, so the nation loves their Simpsons. A society that is unwilling to discriminate and guard against evil is already overcome of the same.

            Freedom of speech is necessary to resist tyranny. Indiscriminate freedom of ‘expression’ is an open door to moral and intellectual destruction culminating in mass control. Thus it facilitates the very opposite of what its promoters pretend. The one is like nutrition to the body, while the second is like glut and pollution to the body. They are not equal, and should not be confused.


          3. well said Tron…
            …and it seems you know what you are talking about too.
            It’s amazing though just how many Simpsons there are out there in real life.
            The other day I switched the TV on and Jerry Springer was on.Now there’s a scary show!
            Five minutes of it and I nearly up-chucked.
            Is it for real?
            Someone told me that the people are all actors and it is staged.I do hope so for the sake of humanity as we know it.
            There seem to be a lot of transients in the house next door to me.I can never work out how people can do absolutely nothing whatsoever with their lives.
            I don’t mean that I mind that they don’t work.Society should be able to cope with a percentage that don’t work for one reason or another,disability or retardation.
            But these people seem smart enough but do nothing.Life is TV and foopball as they call it.
            And there is an endless stream of them coming to live there and moving on.
            To where?
            To what?
            What is at the end for them?
            Before TV these people would maybe have got themselves out of the house but now they don’t need to.
            Pizzas are delivered.
            They live vicariously through the soaps and endless sitcoms.
            I watched 10 minutes of an episode of South Park and the kids had gone to Aspen to ski.
            The place is all glitz and drama, with no touch of reality except the actual snow.
            I haven’t skied for 20 years but in Australia then it was not like that.
            I just despair that we are not living on and with and of the earth itself anymore.
            How can life be life without the smell of the outdoors and the sound of the birds.
            I love the smell of my parrot.It is a tangy smell unlike anything else I have ever smelled.
            I miss like blazes all the country smells and get sick of the polluted city.
            Maybe that’s why people live in front of a TV.
            It’s the closest they can get to nature now.

            Sorry for this rant.I just feel strongly about it.I had a granddaughter who was raised on a diet of crappy TV.She had a 3 minute attention span and was hell to do anything with, because once 3 minutes was up she wanted something different.

            Oh well.


  3. Pyramid secrets
    Not only does the article in the Gulf Daily News not mention the secrets, it is also silent on whether anyone was there to listen to the eminent Dr. Zahi. Is this perhaps a case of a tree falling in the woods?

  4. Oh Goody Goody
    What a wonderful day to read the news on the Daily Grail, everything I had ever hoped for…except, I probably am the only person on the Grail whodid not read the bit about the Simpsoms…

    HA, Mars, Faces, ETs, ZAHI, Pryamids…..Mind Control…..oooooohhhh

    everything my own little heart and head is full of. I am going to try and find out about that ZAHI crap….If one of my friends are around, I will check..I will let you folks know what the poop is…Depends on who is in town, or back in Egypt right now….

    Oh the Great ZAHI is such an asshole !!!! Puckered too….I wonder if he often wipes….I mean the brilliant smile off his face…:-)

    Now I understand why I have the bits and pieces of info in my mind that I have, it finally dawned on me when I read the fine article about the ETs and mind control….Phew/…glad someone figured that one out…geeeeeeee

    I was sooooo glad not to read about the ole POPE….thank you….
    The news was great, I saved a bunch of articles, also got sucked into an IQ test, but my pop up blocker and spyware would not allow my results, (even if I entered in a phony name and gender)…guess there little computer is smarter than my pea brain. ( Actually that site was going to spy on me and send me spam and muck up my computer with viruses and crap, my computer caught it) However, I believe I scored relatively high…

    Saw the site with all of the Faces…boy, now that person is going to extremes….Aren’t I the lucky one to have originals pictures of the raw data from Viking…..

    Yeah, so EM….are you male or female. or because you are married do both of you, if one is male and the other is female use the same name????Who is having the baby…One time Em said she was in pain… I figured it was a she when Em said wasn’t able to type properly do tho pain, a new baby and suc….unless of course you are a man having sympathetic labour pains….And if you are a man exihibiting such symptoms, don’t cry yet……wait tell the head pops out….and you hope it will be the head first, not feet first….Wonder what little soul is coming to you?

    Shadows, you do like to start things going, as I said , you are soemwhat of a television host….or talk show personality…

    Kat and Max , great job on the news, I really enjoyed it tremendously……

    Later, HMMMM, I might try to find something interesting from Circular TImes as a floow up to either the Miami circle, or something…..If I find the Miami Circle , it wil be one of the first articles ever published on it, because it is when it was first discovered….the article is authored by Christine Rhone, whom co-authored the book, Twelve Tribe Nations with John Michelle…

    SOmething else I was thinking about????,Hmmmmm…..Oh…maybe I might find an old article from John of the Japanese Underwater Monuments, when him and Robert Schoch and Graham first got back from their expedition…..

    With all my blessings to Zahi…..
    Too bad , the Grail does not have a movie threater….I have some great films…

    Dr. Colette M. Dowell ND
    Circular Times
    Moving Forward Publications

    1. Zahi’s Secrets
      I’ve done a search on Zahi’s website, as well as the SCA’s, and other Egyptian media … with zero results. Whatever the secrets of the Pyramids are, no one is reporting them unfortunately. I’ll keep an eye (of Ra) open for further news …

    2. I am male dammit!. LOL a few
      I am male dammit!. LOL a few of the people I have let get close to me say that I see things from a more female point of view. Mind you they also say I am nice. I am not nice. I hate nice. Being nice ment my friends were getting all the girls and I missed out on the “fun” All I got was a kiss on the cheek and told all the “girl” problems that were going on. Yes I am married (second one) We have the same last name and my wife is female.

      1. ZAHI and Score EM Female
        EM, well it looks like you scored now….more than a cheek….
        I hate it that you hate being nice. It is so nice not to hate being nice, you should try it….Oh, thats right you did….well look at it this way, you might have only got a cheek, but better than…no, I am not going to write it…Ole Osc might faint or get jealous.

        I am going to blame Shadows on everything now….SHe loves all of this….

        Rico, You will never find anything on Zahi’s site except Zahi…..
        and sources of manipulated propaganda.

        I will try to make a few phone calls…
        But, some people may be out of the country still….so maybe have to hang on a bit….

        Dr. Colette M. Dowell ND
        Circular Times
        Moving Forward Publications

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