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Portugese UFOs

Following hot on the heels of the ‘Mexican UFOs’, comes a great deal of excitement about unidentified aerial phenomena in Portugal. While much of the information is yet to hit the ‘Western’ press, we’re lucky enough here at TDG that member Zenedra speaks Portugese and has managed to translate one of the reports for us:

Colonel Carlos Barbosa of the Air force, said to Lusa [this newspaper I am assuming], that the radars of the defence area registered something during 2 or three minutes that wasn’t any aeroplane. On the other hand, the radars of NAV, the radar that guards the air space of Portugal, detected nothing, according to Paulo Lagarto (manager).

The phenomenon is described as a bright light that is intense, white, with smoke and without sound, and it was also detected by controllers of air traffic in Beja and Montijo and also sighted by the firemen in the airport of Lisbon, according to Colonel Carlos Barbosa.

The investigator, a specialist in meteors and meteorites, dismissed also the fact that it was a meteor because it was seen all over Portugal, from north and south.

Thanks Zenedra.

  1. Full Translation
    Hi all,

    Space on the front page dictated that I use only small portions of Zenedra’s full translation. Here it is complete, paragraph by paragraph, for those interested:


    A única classificação até agora para o fenómeno avistado na noite de terça-feira em vários pontos de Portugal é a de «ovni – objecto voador não identificado», de acordo com especialistas e autoridades contactados pela Agência Lusa.

    “The only classification until now for the phenomenon that was seen on Tuesday night in various points of Portugal is that they are UFO’s (OVNI in Portuguese), in accordance with specialists and authorities contacted by Agency Lusa.”

    O porta-voz da Força Aérea, Coronel Carlos Barbosa, disse à Lusa que os radares de defesa área registaram «um alvo» durante dois ou três minutos que «não era nenhum avião identificado como tal».

    “Coronel Carlos Barbosa of the Air force, said to Lusa (this newspaper I am assuming), that the radars of the defence area registered something during 2 or three minutes that wasn’t any aeroplane.”

    No entanto, os radares da NAV, entidade que gere o espaço aéreo em Portugal, nada detectaram, contou à Lusa o porta-voz da empresa, Paulo Lagarto.

    “On the other hand, the radars of NAV, the radar that guards the air space of Portugal, detected nothing, according to Paulo Lagarto (manager).”

    Às 23:44 a torre de controlo do Porto detectou um objecto com um atitude ascendente, que 25 minutos antes tinha sido reportado no Montijo e em Beja como um objecto não identificado», explicou.

    O porta-voz acrescentou que os aviões que voavam nestas zonas nada de anormal avistaram.

    “At 23:44 the tower of control in Porto, detected an object with an ascending attitude (cant get a good translation for this bit), which 25 minutes before had been reported in Montijo and in Beja as an unidentified object.

    The manager added that no airplanes should have been in that area normally”

    O fenómeno, descrito como uma luz grande e intensa, branca, com fumo e sem som, foi também detectado por controladores de tráfego aéreo de Beja e Montijo e ainda avistado pelos bombeiros do aeroporto de Lisboa, disse o coronel Carlos Barbosa.

    “The phenomenon is described as a bright light that is intense, white, with smoke and without sound, and it was also detected by controllers of air traffic in Beja and Montijo and also sighted by the firemen in the airport of Lisbon, according to coronel Carlos Barbosa.”

    O comando operacional elaborou relatórios com o reportado, que «serão tratados pela Força Aérea em termos militares», acrescentou.

    “The operations command elaborated that these objects will be treated by the air force in military terms.’

    À Lusa, José Fernando Monteiro, do departamento de geologia da Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa, descartou a possibilidade de se tratar de um fenómeno astronómico, meteorológico ou da queda de fragmentos de um satélite.

    “Jose of the department of Geology in the Faculty of Science in Lisbon, dismissed the possibility of it being an astronomy/meteorology related incident, or that it was a fragment of a satellite.”

    «Apesar de não ter muitos dados, descarto a hipótese de meteoro ou meteorito devido ao tipo de observações», disse, explicando que este tipo de fenómeno astronómico dura menos tempo e costuma emitir som.

    “He dismissed it being a meteor because it would have been faster to disappear and it would have had sound.”

    O investigador, especialista em meteoros e meteoritos, descartou, aliás, qualquer explicação astronómica para as luzes avistadas nos céus de Portugal, pelas características descritas por várias testemunhas de norte a sul.

    “The investigator, a specialist in meteors and meteorites, dismissed also the fact that it was a meteor because it was seen all over Portugal, from north and south.”

    José Fernando Monteiro consultou ainda informações do Comando de Defesa Aeroespacial norte-americano, eliminando a hipótese de se ter tratado da queda de um satélite ou fragmentos deste tipo de aparelho.

    “Jose consulted the Command of Defence Aero spacial(??) of the US, eliminating the hypothesis that it should be treated as a satellite fragment.”

    As descrições poderiam corresponder a uma bola de luz, um fenómeno meteorológico raro que se forma na baixa atmosfera quando há demasiadas descargas eléctricas», continuou, apesar de considerar esta hipótese pouco provável já que surge «quase sempre» associada a trovoadas.

    “The descriptions could correspond to a ball of light, a meteorological rare incident caused by low atmospheric pressure when there are many electrical storms, but this is not probable in this case.”

    Contactado pela Lusa, o Instituto de Meteorologia afirmou não ter «qualquer explicação meteorológica» para o sucedido.

    “Contacted by this magazine, the Institute of Meteorology affirmed not having a meteorological explanation’

    «Com toda a franqueza, e com os dados que tenho, digo que se trata de um ovni, no sentido em que é, até agora, um objecto voador não identificado», disse José Fernando Monteiro, reconhecendo o seu cepticismo em relação a fenómenos extraterrestres.

    ‘To be completely frank, with all the information I have, I say that its a UFO, in the sense that, until now, it is an unidentified object, said Jose Fernando Monteiro, admitting also the skepticism of UFO’s.’

    O especialista acrescentou ainda que saber a «magnitude do fenómeno» – brilho e tamanho – seria importante para determinar a sua origem, «que poderá ser terrestre».

    ‘He added that knowing the magnitude of the phenomenon, the brightness and the size, is very important to determine its origin, and that it could be a UFO.’

    De terça para quarta-feira, o Serviço Nacional de Bombeiros e Protecção Civil (SNBPC) recebeu cerca de vinte chamadas de pessoas de vários pontos do país que avistaram a luz branca nos céus.

    ‘From Tuesday night to Wednesday, the Fireman of civil protection received more than 20 calls from people in various places in Portugal who saw these white lights in the skies.’


    Once again, thanks to Zenedra.

    Peace and Respect

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