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News Briefs 14-06-2004

Here’s Tom with the weather…

Quote of the Day:

We all walk in mysteries. We are surrounded by an atmosphere of which we do not know what is stirring in it, or how it is connected with our own spirit. So much is certain, that in particular cases we can put out the feelers of our soul beyond its bodily limits, and that a presentiment, nay, an actual insight into the immediate future, is accorded to it.


  1. Astrology: searching for respect.
    So the academic quarter in India has decided to allow astrologers, (<- i started to capitolise that:) a place among their ranks. That says alot about an education in India! Next, they will offer a degree in Tarot. Even today, hocus-pokus thrives. Tens, if not hundreds of millions of people believe that someone can predict their future with astrology. What a shame. -dd

  2. Community announcement: have you lost a gold-coloured wonder-bra
    No Greg, She didn’t lose her bra. It was stolen from her grave. You see, She was buried with it. most likely it was on her. And then some grave robbers came along over a thousand years later, and stole her underwear. Then, shortly there after, a man heard about it, and made fun of her in front of the entire world. Real cool shit huh? You rock.

    1. Rocking
      Hi DD,

      I try to rock, but most times I suck. These are the vagaries of trying to make 25 news briefs a day with boring headlines seem interesting to a worldwide audience. I guess this time I sucked. Apologies.

      Peace and Respect

      You monkeys only think you’re running things

      1. Your reaction is totally unfair and disarming…
        Fine. I kick you in the nuts, and you stand up straight, unabated. Be that way. Maybe, I’m wrong. To look at the situation, of undressing the dead, and casually going about stripping them of their final belongings as the worst possible thing one human(e), or society could do to another. However, I cannot change the way I was brought up in this world. I love studing ancient history and past cultures. I have a firm belief that you let the dead lie, and the things that were buried with them, lie with them. Photograph, document and examine, do not touch, alter or defile the dead.
        post script:
        And I always look forward to your updates. even when they piss me off. right you are, you can’t win’em all. but your better than average. thanks for your time and efforts.

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