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News Briefs 05-07-2007

We continue to ‘drone’ on…

Thanks Rick and Kat.

Quote of the Day:

To believe that the mere act of death enables a spirit to understand the whole mystery of death is as absurd as to imagine that the act of birth enables an infant to understand the whole mystery of life.

Alleged Spirit of the Deceased Frederick Myers

  1. Free energy – technical difficulties
    Perpetuatl motion machine demo is experiencintg ‘technical difficulties’.

    Out of all the articles covering this ‘technical glitch’, this is one of the least derogatory. Most began with something like ‘Surprise, surprise’, or ‘We’re shocked – shocked – we tell you!’

    Some people think it’s actually an art project. I suspect it may be a psyops project.


    1. this is due process….
      Kat, speculation and then a few failures. Close working models and then more failures. But, once the world gets used to the idea that it is possible, then the break throughs will happen.

      This is no different to the first flying machines. Many will ridicule and say it’s impossible. Especially the scientific community that has as much to loose then the oil companies. Credibility!!!!

      But I know it will happen. 27 years ago I drew my first plans for perpetual free energy. It does exist and will work.

      I watch with interest and give a few clues now and again.

      “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

      1. dont stop
        Don’t give clues now and again, instead make one of those things. Or say how to make it, say what the principles are. Otherwise nobody will believe you.

        meetings, n.:
        Where minutes are kept, and hours are lost.

        1. thats the point
          apart from making one, which I will be, no body believes the principal behind it.
          It’s a mind shift. When the time is right then it will be understood. Until then, it is not worth the hassle of trying to explain something people will not listen to. I have tried in the past but people can’t see past the dogma they are taught.
          The laws of physics are not the full picture. The true nature of all things and the unification of all answers the free energy question. The same energy that powers the universe and keeps your fridge magnet perpetually on your fridge is that energy. It never depletes, just transmutes.

          “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          1. Easier said than done
            Good morning everyone,
            I don’t know whether Floppy is onto something here or not, but from what he has said there are a couple of observations I’d like to make.
            First of all, if the energy he speaks of powers the universe then we must ask: is the universe a closed system? If so, Floppy is right about it never depleting, only transmuting (until entropy takes its toll, of course).
            The indication of perpetual energy which dogs such ideas is maybe not what it seems. If the universe is perpetual, fair enough, perpetual energy must exist. But if the universe has a beginning and an end, then no such thing as perpetual energy can exist. But the point is, as it would exist for as long as we possibly could, it is simply a problem of language.
            The point I’m making here is that valid scientific principles seem to be involved in his thinking. So why is he so unsure about saying more?
            Floppy speaks of ‘mind shifts’ and ‘unification’. I think we’re talking about ‘holism’ here, and I totally agree that holism could hold the key to many answers – most of my philosophy is based on it – and it is equally true that most people think in a ‘specialised’ way, so a mind shift is definitely required.
            As I said, I don’t know whether Floppy is onto something or not, but I understand his attitude. And glib statements such as suggesting he builds one are usually science’s way for setting someone up for a fall – whether they’re right or wrong.
            All that counts for the ‘fall’ is the idea that they are different.

            Reality, like time, is relative to the observer

            Anthony North

          2. hello Anthony
            Entropy, I can say many things here. I risk ridicule, and being put into the mad basket. But I will say this,”the universe that we live in is one of seven”. It is a spherical plane, sandwiched between the others. Very similar to some atoms. It has a given mass, and can not deminish nor exspand. What is all will always be all but in different forms. Many of these forms have not been identified yet. It’s like when you through away some garbage. The mass is a certain atomic weight. When it breaks down to, what we percieve as nothing, it hasn’t. If all the by-products of the break down were collected, it would have the same atomic weight. The universe works exactly the same way. When a star nova’s it just becomes other things. The same principal works with atoms as with galaxies. Therefore the same works with whatever we want to use for energy. But we can use the unseen, unnoticed energy, that is passive and flows through everything any anything. This energy powers suns and maintains planets orbits and solar system positions to galaxy positions. It also maintains the structure of atoms. And we all know what happens when that structure is forced apart……boom!

            So you can see the amount of energy in an atom and how this can be used freely without depletion. I am NOT talking about nuclear energy. To destroy an atom is very wrong and playing with a power we have no right to.

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          3. Entropy
            Hi Floppy,
            I confess to mentioning entropy (in brackets) as a piece of pure politics. It was an obvious escape route for the scientific mind, and I was protecting from diversion.
            My own view of entropy is that it is very much an anthropomorphic concept. Take decay. What we consider as decay is life for flies and worms. The point I’m making is decay is the process of renewal.
            Disorder can be seen in a similar way. The resultant chaos is now being shown to have a strange kind of order in Chaos Theory. Total entropy is known as the Heat Death of the universe. Heat is an energy.
            I’m not a physicist and have only a rudimentary working knowledge, so I can’t comment further on what you say regarding your theory, but I suspect you’ve been inspired by ancient wisdom here. The Hermetic sciences come to mind. Hindu thought also holds a similar concept. In an essay on Hinduism I wrote:
            ‘ … intellectual ideas include Prakriti, the inert substance of the universe upon which form is impressed. Interacting with Prakriti is the life-giving consciousness, or Purusha. Every person and thing is a spark of Purusha, intersecting to allow the universe to be … ‘
            I’m a great believer that we still have much to learn from such theorising.

            I’m certain of only one thing. Nothing is certain.

            Anthony North

          4. yes Anthony…
            I seen your reply earlier but had to wait until Dr.Who finnished to read and reply.

            Many ancient knowledge is in code. Not a code to hide but a code of time. Like trying to make a 2yo understand something, you express your wishes in a term they relate to. Now think of that in reverse…… have the code!

            I have not read too much of many of the ancient manuals but have had other inspiration.

            The one fundermental law of this universe is this….the square some of the square some will always equil the square some. You do not need to write down many fancy figures to understand that.

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          5. just another thought Anthony
            I am cryptic for a reason….I am sick of being dragged into senceless debate over simple foundermental understandings. I do not need to proove anything.
            What I know is what I know. And it will all come to pass.

            All I am trying to do is be a catylist for people to open their minds to a greater understanding of their universe and to at least imagine there is something better out there.
            I know there is but people need foundation and proof.

            You, Anthony have been always open minded. I applaude that.

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          6. Open-mindedness
            Thanks, Floppy. I don’t think you can adopt a holistic state of mind without being open-minded. If you look back at the history of science, it used to be full of the most fantastical ideas, some of which went on to be accepted, whereas others became victim to orthodoxy.
            If 99 ideas that conflict with orthodoxy are proved to be wrong, and one leads to advancement, the other 99 have value, for they exist in a world open to new ideas.
            We do not live in such a world today.

            I’m fanatical about moderation

            Anthony North

          7. To the Flop
            Floppy: “I risk ridicule, and being put into the mad basket. But I will say this,’the universe that we live in is one of seven’. It is a spherical plane, sandwiched between the others.”

            Hang in there buddy, it’s all part of the process.

          8. try
            a Chinese puzzle………..!

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          9. no….seriously
            I know…..what is happening now is science thinks it has all the answers……like always through history. But all our science is based on speculation. So there is room for more speculation…no?

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          10. Seriously, you say…
            …but I’m not seeing a lot of seriousness.

            Science does not now think and has not in any way ever seriously thought that it has all the answers because true scientists have pretty much always recognized that science is a living and evolving process, knowledge building upon itself through the rigorous application of logical thought.

            If it’s dark outside, you’d like a source of light, wouldn’t you? Would you not wish to be warm when it’s cold outside, or cool when it’s hot? Would you not wish to be able to store food for later use rather than having to eat it before it rots?

            Would you rather not die from some common infection? Would you like it if your surgeon knew where to cut because he’d used an x-ray or CAT scan? It’s within the lifetime of people still living that having a boil on one’s arm meant having the arm cut off and having a boil on one’s neck might as well have been a death-sentence because having one’s head amputated is seldom a viable option. People seem to forget-or perhaps simply never knew-that their life expectancy today is approaching twice what it was only a century ago…

            So there’s science on one side and an assortment of wingnut ideas on the other and an ocean of sour grapes in between. Every once in awhile a wingnut idea comes along and is eventually embraced by science…but most of the time those wingnut ideas are ridiculed or simply ignored and that’s merely proper because in most cases those ideas have already been disproven and it would merely be a waste of time and effort to devote further resources to them. This may piss off the purveyors of each wingnut idea but hey life’s a bitch and stupidity is its own reward.

            Lots of people simply don’t get the message: the way to build knowledge is to pursue promising avenues of inquiry and discard ideas that have failed repeatedly. This might explain why science is doing just fine and why a lot of wingnuts are gnashing their teeth in frustration.

            “So there is room for more speculation…no?” Well, sometimes speculation leads to thought and thought may lead to knowledge and that might be a good thing but let’s be clear, most of the time speculation winds up being nothing but mental masturbation because of how often people ignore what’s gone before…knowledge will continue to grow and stupidity will persist because of how often people will think they’ve had an original idea.

            Good luck.

            Good News: There’s a guiding force at work in the Universe. Bad News: It’s Irony.

          11. Wingnuts and stupidity?
            Good morning everyone,
            It gets rather tedious for people to hail science above speculation by telling us how wonderful science is. Believe me, I’d be dead several times over without it. I know how wonderful science is. I glory in our scientific understanding. And it is a red herring to use this argument against speculation.
            Speculation and pseudoscholarship actually birthed science. And for an important period of history – the Enlightenment – the more philosophical thought went alongside science. But somewhere along the line, science became predominant, and we have only lived in half a world since.
            Because of this science has many problems which must, some time, be addressed. Until this time comes, science is equally a Frankenstein as it is our saviour. And it will remain so for as long as people use emotive language such as ‘wingnuts’ and ‘stupidity’ regarding other ideas.

            I’m fanatical about moderation

            Anthony North

          12. hello Binro…..
            I understand your sceptisism and your passionate belief in science. But to stoop to name calling doesn’t give much weight to your argument.
            Science has now, over the last 70 odd years, gone the way it has done in the past. If you look at recorded history you will see spurts of advancement followed by a leveling and then spurts again. This leveling effect is due to vested interestes controlling the release of or advancement of ideas. It’s all tied to control and/or power. In our case it is power=money.
            LCD’s have been around since the 70’s but were not commercially viable. You do not produce a product that no one can afford to buy…..
            The same goe’s for everything you buy. This applies to free energy. Why produce a product that will be the end of your economical future.
            Science is no different. It is political. All funding come from the goverment or private sector that has a vested interest in making money. This alone, voids the nutrility of science.
            I know it can make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside to think that science and goverments are only doing what their doing to make your life better…but i’m sorry that is not the reality.
            Reality is big business control goverment deccesions for their own interests, likewise science funded by goverment have a vested interest to give goverment the answers they want.
            It’s not until people are pushed to the limit they make the changes….not goverment nor business (unless they read money to be made). EG: Germany and their solar program. It got to the point where average Germans were having problems paying for electricity. German farmers, like most farmers around the developed world, were having problems making a living. There was a opening here that a few saw, supply electricity back into the grid. So they used many acres of free land to put up solar panels and in doing so reduced the cost of electricty for the average consumer and made money out of it.

            What i’m saying is all things are economic based. People without an understanding of global politics and economical interactions think that if there is free energy, then why have we not got it. I think my example above may have showed why.

            Goverments and business and science play russian roulete with peoples lives every second of every day, purely on economical reasons.

            Whether I am right about my free energy or not is moot.
            Before I can build and proove, I need to be safe. And believe me, they will kill to stop it as they already have.
            Again, based purely on economics.

            For Anthony: thanks for your P-ology…….

            “Life can be whatever you want it to be, as long as you do what your told.”

          13. Light Has Perpetual Motion! Ask Any Physicist!

            We know that perpetual motion is possible; because, light has perpetual motion! But, under what conditions is perpetual motion possible? That, in my opinion, is the question!

            Other questions are: “Is there a Higgins Field?” If so, “How do we neutralize it?” If not, “What gives us mass?” Finally, “How do mass, gravity, and velocity relate to perpetual motion?”

            What do you think?


            {You Can Teach People How To Think Or What To Think; But, You Can’t Do Both! It Is Better To Teach People How To Think!!!}

  2. To Change The Subject!

    For the record, I agree with Floppy; but, this post isn’t about perpetual energy!

    I think that the discoveries of the Chinese Zhou Dynasty tombs and the contents of the tombs are very interesting! They are indicative of a very high cultural level at an very early period in Chinese history. Reaching this cultural level must have taken a long time, probably a very long time. This is yet another example of the great antiquity of human civilization!

    What do you think?


    {You Can Teach People How To Think Or What To Think; But, You Can’t Do Both! It Is Better To Teach People How To Think!!!}

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