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A security camera inside a British shop seems to have recorded some fascinating poltergeist activity: behind an unaware customer, a tea box levitates for a few seconds, while another box comes crashing down the floor. Does the craving for a nice cup of tea persists in the afterlife?

Owner Michelle Newbold told Kent Online she came across the footage while doing her weekly review of the tapes.

“I was perplexed I suppose. I just couldn’t believe it. I have no idea about how it has happened,” she said.

The clip, uploaded last Friday, has already been seen more than 55,000 times.

Many viewers believe it is a marketing hoax for the store. But Newbold insists it is the real deal.

“I’d be interested to find out more if anyone knows anything because I have no clue. I have never seen anything like this since I have been in the shop,” she added.

Clever hoax, or genuine evidence of paranormal activi-tea?


H/T Susan & Holly

          1. that my friend…
            …is what’s called Hell! LOL
            I would haunt the pharmacy I used to work at and just chuck pills at the a–holes harassing the pharmacist because their shit wasn’t ready in 15 minutes 😛

          2. LOL
            I’ll make sure to scribble “Film this for Youtube” on the dust that collects on the computer screens 😉

  1. So am I the only one that
    So am I the only one that sees the dark form at the end of the aisle that lasts from the time the footage comes into focus on the cctv screen and disappearing behind the shelf around 0:05?

    1. Spotted it!
      I saw it too. Looked like the right shoulder & arm of someone wearing a black sweater or something –also, wearing black gloves?

      Skeptics would say this give credence to the notion it was all hoaxed.

      But if it was, I still think it’s a damn good trick.

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