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What the Bleep?

Many TDG readers would probably be interested in a new movie out there – styled as a ‘docu-drama’ – on how recent discoveries in quantum physics and biochemistry are expanding our understanding of reality and in the process validating the ‘new’ spirituality. The movie, titled “What the Bleep Do We Know“, interviews scientists and researchers at the cutting edge of some of these ‘new physics’, such as Stu Hameroff and Dr Fred Alan Wolf.

The movie has been moving very slowly through theatres in the major US cities, garnering slots mainly through word-of-mouth and petitions. By all accounts it’s a real trip, and manages to outline some of these difficult concepts quite clearly. A glut of information about the movie, including trailers, is available at the official website. Support intelligent cinema folks. Thanks Mike for the heads-up.

  1. *Create Your Day* CD – inspired by the Movie “What the Bleep Do
    I’ve seen this movie twice and have pre-ordered the DVD — one of the most-mentioned segments is where the scientist explains how he does a visualization each day to “Create His Day” …

    After seeing the movie, I’ve tried this and had little success staying focused or even knowing exactly HOW to visualize my day. However, last week I discovered an incredible product that is helping me A LOT and has been keeping me on focus.

    Not to mention the voice and music of Rebecca Hilton and Wen Boley of Twinflame is exquisite!

    I’ve already made some affiliate sales with this, and I’ve never had such quick success with other affiliate products I promote.

    Synchronistic things have already happened. I’ve been listening to the MP3, usually around lunchtime. I’ve ordered the CD so I can set it up to listen before getting out of bed in the mornings.

    I’ve made some great new connections and arranged a barter with a coach I really want to work with for her teleclass on Manifesting Techniques in exchange for transcribing a previous teleclass she had done, on a subject I’m also extremely interested in and will ENJOY transcribing!

    Anyway, check it out, it’s truly amazing!

    Success, Wealth, Happiness & Health!

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