Susanna Clarke’s 2004 historical fantasy novel Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell has been adapted into a seven part television series...
Susanna Clarke’s 2004 historical fantasy novel Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell has been adapted into a seven part television series...
“Wæs þu hæl” is an Anglo Saxon toast meaning “be thou hale” (“be in good health“). The toast, if not...
As the Easter weekend draws close, children and adults alike anticipating a chocolate egg binge, the internet is alive with...
Forget the Disney fairies of modern fiction…in the talk below, Prof. Ronald Hutton goes back before Shakespeare and Pope defined...
HBO, 2016ce, 117mins. Director; Irene Taylor Brodsky. Broadcast 23 January 2017. (Art by Joe Coleman) There is a concept in...
Sleep paralysis is a well-known syndrome where, usually during the the transition into and out of sleep, the muscles of...
Dr Simon Young and Dr Ceri Houlbrook are the contributing editors of Magical Folk: British and Irish Fairies, 500 AD...