A new scientific paper linking the effects of the psychedelic DMT with near-death experiences has been making major news headlines...
I pointed out recently that this year’s CPAK conference will be held in San Diego at the beginning of October,...
“Reality and the Extended Mind” is an (ongoing) online documentary that “explores the scientific evidence of the interconnected nature of...
Last Friday The Colbert Report did a piece on Daryl Bem’s research into precognition/presentiment (ie. “feeling the future”) describing it...
Physorg.com has a fascinating article on the early history of quantum physics and how a number of the pioneering researchers...
The latest issue of Entheogen Review is now out, with features on various aspects of entheogen research, including an article...
The latest edition of the BBC’s “All in the Mind” radio programme (available as Real Audio) features two items of...
When we hear the word ‘mystery’, we might immediately think of an Agatha Christie novel starring a French-speaking detective with...