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Weekend Roundup 10-03-2007

A few things to keep you busy over the weekend…


  1. Hey Kat answer to “What’s it all about.”
    My aol is, well … I won’t go into it. The links I sent for you to post are now posted above (Strieber and Blackmore) by Greg. Sorry, I had to forward from another account provider through my aol. Spent hours this evening trying to get into my mail, finally managed to get an email (three words) sent to you, unable to check my old mail or sent mail. Will send links via messenger pigeon next time … Love, Pam
    Next day, Sunday afternoon.

    P.S. Kat I was just now able to access my sent mail to retrieve those links.
    Susan Blackmore article
    String theory article was also in there, here is that link. —————————–Truth is stranger than fiction.

  2. Blackmore
    Listening to Susan Blackmore I realised that I had her all wrong before this interview. I have seen her several times on TV and have always considered her a lightweight intellectual compared to some of the other players in the mind/matter debate. Now I think she is a serious thinker and probably deserves being sought out for her opinion.

    The second observation I would like to make is that I think that Ms. Blackmore is trying to force-fit the insights she has gained from meditation into a materialist world-view because her early research into the paranormal failed to provide her with any scientifically acceptable evidence. Yet, over and over again I caught the distinct impression that she has left the back door open. She talks with passion about the “one stuff” (incorporating mind and matter) and being a monist yet doesn’t seem too comfortable with the proposition that the one stuff might be matter.

    Perhaps it is not too late for Susan to switch sides once again?


  3. Sphere experience
    I just recently had my photo taken in front of the giant marble sphere inside the Golden Moon lobby. It floats in a pool of water and just by touching it sends it slowly spinning. Very fascinating to watch the people pushing it. It’s about four to five feet tall, quite huge. Love, Pam
    Here is a link to see a photo of Robert and Colette with a stone sphere in Bosnia. —————————–Truth is stranger than fiction.

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