On February 14 Popular Mechanics published a lengthy article written by Tim McMillan, which gave a detailed timeline of the controversial ‘UFO programs’ known as AAWSAP and AATIP, and attempted to ‘set the record straight’ with regards to the activities run by BAASS while they had the $22 million contract offered by the DIA –at the behest of Senator Harry Reid– and also whether Luis Elizondo was in fact the director of AATIP or not, before he resigned to join Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences.
To research his story, McMillan made use of anonymous sources who gave him limited access to a 500-page report created by BAASS’s contractors, which to this day remain classified because under American laws they are corporate property, and therefore exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) which has been utilized in the past by investigators to obtain government information on UFOs.

However, linked to the PopMech article was a SCRIBD-hosted PDF document which was part of the material created by BAASS under the AAWSAP contract –who exactly leaked the document isn’t entirely sure. The PDF in question is the one written by Christopher “Kit” Green –a man whose name should be well known by anyone who’s been paying attention to the long history of the intelligence community’s involvement with the UFO phenomenon– and the title of the report is “Clinical Medical Acute & Subacute Field Effects on Human Dermal & Neurological Tissues.”
Although the obscurity of this technical title might not indicate it, this document’s content is directly related to UFOs, and its main objective is to propose the hypothesis that studying the biophysical effects reported in a number of well-documented close encounters, might give researchers a hint on the energy emissions and purported exotic propulsions displayed by these anomalous objects. Using UFO witnesses as serendipitous ‘lab rats’ to “reverse engineer” what caused their injuries, as it were.

Green was not only the man in charge of the CIA’s ‘weird desk’ for many years, but he’s a medical doctor and was also the one who accepted Robert Bigelow’s offer to be the chairman of NIDS back in the 90’s (a position he resigned from years later). He’s been friends with Jacques Vallee since the 1970’s and is mentioned multiple times in three of his Forbidden Science journals. As such, there couldn’t have been a better candidate to write a report which compares peer-reviewed medical studies that analyze the effects of powerful electromagnetic fields on human victims, with UFO witnesses who suffered similar symptoms when they were in close proximity to these anomalous energy sources.
Green’s report may offer tantalizing clues of the sort of things the AAWSAP project was trying to investigate, and the overall objective of those who set it in motion. So, despite my all-too-limited layman’s capacity to comprehend the content of the 53-pages text, here are a few of the things I found in it that seem particularly interesting:
- The paper’s intention is to explain injuries suffered by close encounter witnesses using traditional physics, even though the cause of the injury may be exotic and unable to be currently understood by contemporary science.
- The paper proposes there’s enough documented evidence from these injuries to ‘reverse engineer’ “certain aspects of the energy/propulsion systems.” This would imply a fairly ‘nuts and bolts’ mindset, which is to be expected from a military-sanctioned project (generals get ‘machinery’, metaphysics… not so much).
- The paper proposes an overlap between injuries in “CE-III-IV events” with some of the international codes of diagnoses (ICD) of morbidity/mortality used by medical institutions all across the world. Here it’s interesting to note the study takes “CE-IV events” (a.k.a. “Alien abductions”) into consideration, instead of taking the more cautionary approach of assuming these episodes are hypnagogic delusions or psychotic episodes.
- Green makes a comparison between a case of three antenna engineers who suffered a freakish accident while repairing on a television in which they were exposed to ultrahigh radiofrequency radiation (785 Mhz) and the famous Cash-Landrum UFO case of 1980 —“There are no significant differences in either the reported acute effects (symptoms) or the physician-observed (signs) between the case of three antenna engineers or the Cash-Landrum cases.” This is interesting, given how the opinion of the UFO community is still divided on whether Cash-Landrum was a ‘true UFO’ or the testing of a military prototype –one would think a secret military program would be in a better position to tell the difference.
- Everything discussed in the paper is readily available in peer-reviewed journals or the UFOlogical literature –i.e. There’s no mention of still-classified documents (with the possible exception of Green’s personal archives, which are cited in the references). This is consistent with McMillan’s assertion that AAWSAP’s approach was limited because they didn’t have access to the ‘juicy stuff’: those secret UFO files and photographs we all believe the government is hiding somewhere.
- In its executive summary, the paper mentions “unintended injury to human observers,” which would imply the injuries caused by UFO witnesses are not necessarily deliberate.
- In fact, the paper seems to indicate the overarching goal of AAWSAP was exactly that: to ascertain whether UFOs are a direct threat to humans or not. Green wisely prefers to stay out of the discussion by stating his paper is not meant to neither validate nor debunk the claims that UFOs/UAPs are somebody else’s ‘weapon’.
- “Whether such effects are the result of unintended or intended harm to humans is yet to be determined, though evidence for the latter can be inferred in certain cases.” The reference given at the end of that paragraph is Jacques Vallee’s book Confrontations, in which he wrote about his investigations of the Brazilian cases in Colares, in which terrified locals claimed to have been continually harrassed and attacked by objects they called “Chupas.” The Brazilian government also conducted a big investigation of these cases, under an official program called Project Prato.
- Green also decided to include a paragraph mentioning the ‘sociological perspective’ of mass hysteria and the “alteration or solidification of belief systems, alteration/destruction of social structures, group dynamics, etc.” Hints to the old Brookings report cautioning the government on the same issues in 1960.
- The paper divides the most important ‘pathophysiological effects’ in three categories: Heating and burn injuries, Neurological effects and Auditory effects. This last category mentions “Communication and disabling effects” which is extremely interesting, because it seems to allude to the many instances in which witnesses claim to hear ‘voices’ in their heads during CE-III encounters –the famous Fatima apparitions and their overlaps with UFO reports also come to mind.
- “Some of the claimed physiological effects include such phenomena as paralysis, electrical shocks, feeling of heat, burns, perception of odors, etc.” The mention of odors reminds me of my colleague Joshua Cutchin’s work in analyzing smells described during paranormal encounters –see his book The Brimstone Deceit for more.
- Green acknowledges there’s no way to ascertain “how close is TOO close” when it comes to risk of injury during a UFO encounter. The paper proposes a working distance of tens of meters and injury times of less than ten minutes as the “near field” of a UFO, though it remains entirely subjective at this point.
- It is specified that the paper will not address “psychophysics, paranormal, explicit pre-existing or chronic psychiatric, or abnormal psychological effects from exposures.” What kind of ‘psychophysics’ effects would we be talking about? Poltergeist activity, for example? Is this an indirect reference to the Skinwalker ranch?
- Since part of AAWSAP’s goal seems to have been “the potential deployment of advanced weapons technology,” further along the paper does delve into the topic of “beam weapons, active denial systems (ads) including high powered microwaves.” Perhaps the mentality of AAWSAP’s “sponsors” (read “The Pentagon”) was: if we cannot build a working UFO by studying the injuries they cause, at least we could learn how to build new weapons.
- But what about the weapons the government already has, which may still be classified? One of the oddest parts in Green’s paper is a mention of an anonymous individual –referred simply as “XXXX”– who once walked into an FBI office claiming he was the victim of harassment by the hands of “agents of the US Secret Service” perpetrating “electromagnetic assaults” on him and his family. The individual made threats and he was arrested and later found to be clinically insane, but what caught Green’s attention is that when he stormed the offices of the FBI, “XXXX” had had in his possession a copy of a highly classified document from the US Central Intelligence Community (INSCOM) analyzing the potential use of non-lethal weapons to cause the exact type of ‘electromagnetic field effects’ described by this (alleged) madman.
- “There is no evidence that the systems described in the document have been fielded / The development of generators and aiming devices is not a rate-limiting issue / There is no doubt that they would work. The concerns, therefore, that individuals exposed to field effects as described in the document, and in this paper would suffer the claimed injuries…are legitimate.” Who would be deploying these weapons? Some ultra-secret section of the United States’ military industrial complex, unbeknownst to BAASS contractors because they didn’t have the proper ‘need to know’?
- Of course, the paragraph could also be interpreted as suggesting America’s enemies may have developed such types of non-lethal weaponry. The controversial cases of the American diplomats stationed at the Cuban embassy who claimed to have been attacked by a ‘sonic weapon’ immediately comes to mind. Especially because the paper continues to describe some examples of systems analyzed by the INSCOM document: “Microwave communication / hearing / localized heating,” and “C02 laser communication / hearing / localized heating” (see my 2018 article “Microwave Attacks and Marian Apparitions”).
- The INSCOM paper, as cited by Green, also mentions “loss of Consciousness, muscle spasms, muscle weakness.” All these symptoms are typical of close encounter cases –perhaps the loss of consciousness could be behind the ‘missing time’ effect reported by abductees.
- The INSCOM paper also delved into the use of sonic weapons in order to induce loss of bowel movement –a.k.a. “Crap cannons.”
- Amusingly enough, Green cites other reference papers which seem to validate the use of ‘tinfoil hats’ (!) in order to shield one’s head from radio frequency interference. Conspiracy theorists —thou hath been vindicated!
- “[T]houghts and meaning can not be otherwise transmitted. But, at the same time, thermoelastic expansion and contraction of fluid spaces in the brain can result in the perception of clicks, buzzing sounds, and humming [emphasis mine].” See Greg Taylor’s essay “Her Sweet Murmur” for more references of buzzing and other sounds during paranormal events.
- “In summary, the evidence is solid that the military and aerospace industries’ own classified, proprietary and unclassified literature, as well as the certain evidence of many aerospace RF-related microwave, antenna-related, High-Power (HP) microwave, infrasonic / sonic, and thermal (from any source) energy deposition accidents [vide infra] is congruent with the anomalous vehicle reports. This means that one can not discount the claimed and often observed injuries as being real-world (although current and likely advanced beyond public information) technologies, and which are causes of these effects and injuries [emphasis mine].“
- As to what exactly could be causing the injuries reported by close encounter witnesses, Green goes into speculative mode and proposes the possibility of effects predicted by Einstein’s General Relativity theory, when the heat spectrum emitted by the UFO gets ‘blue-shifted’ (increased in frequency) “under conditions of spacetime manipulation for lift and propulsion.” Reading Jacques Vallee’s Forbidden Science Vol. 4 helps one recognize this exotic idea as being Hal Puthoff’s brainchild –since the three of them were part of both NIDS and BAASS, it only makes sense Green would reference his old-time colleagues.
- But Green’s paper doesn’t only discuss ‘harm’ caused by UFOs: It also very briefly mentions instances of ‘healing’ caused by PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic fields) along with the bone/tissue healing industry which has been created as a result of these effects, and compares it with instances of ‘miraculous healing’ reported in some UFO events –“[N]umerous reports on both the anomalous event as well as the clinical medical literature describe the occasional “effects” Experiencers or patients utilizing such therapy sometimes report.” Perhaps Green was thinking of the famous “Dr ‘X’ case” investigated by his friend Vallee –see my Mysterious Universe article “Close Encounters of the Healing Kind”— but if he was, he doesn’t give any clear indication of it. Too bad, because you’d think the Pentagon would be interested in looking for alternative ways to heal soldiers injured in combat, instead of just finding ways to make new weapons…
- “There is no a priori reason to believe that only injury patterns in the near-field will lead to diagnostics of emanations from unknown emitters related to aerospace objects.” Green’s admonition seems to be: if you want to make sense of UFOs, don’t focus only on the negative.
- The paper also mentions the reports of ‘wheals’ and boils caused by UFO encounters –again, one is reminded of Dr. ‘X’ and the ‘red triangle’ that appeared around his navel shortly after his close encounter– and mentions studies conducted in Russia which seem to suggest these marks are caused by a ‘static magnetic field’.
- ““Something” is causing these near field injuries, the energy deposition and conditions follow our “real-world” neurological experience. It seems highly unlikely that imagination or delusion of laypersons could mimic the science of thermal injury patterns, electrophysiology, immunology, and neurology in a non-linear dose-response manner…and incorporate the biophysics of wavelength and eV effects (1 eV = 1.6 x 10^-19 joules).”
- As expected, the paper goes *very* technical when it comes to studying the effects on the different types of electromagnetic radiation –from extremely low (ELF) to the extremely high (EHF) which is the microwave frequency (300 GHz) and beyond (X rays and gamma rays). One paragraph that caught my attention at this part of the paper, though, was this: “Thus, in the Cash-Landrum case…one must assume that the RF and tissue heating, clearly responsible for the erythema [red skin] and burns, did not cause the cell dyscrasia [malignant plasma cells present in myeloma]and subsequent gastrointestinal and malignant transformations; one assumes the cells DNA damage was secondary to ionizing radiation.” As a layman, I interpret this as suggesting the cancer developed by Betty Cash was not caused by the radiation emitted by the UFO. Here it is important to note Green is directly referencing Schuessler’s MUFON report on the Cash-Landrum case; again, it’s interesting to confirm how the ‘spooks’ keep relying on the data of UFO buffs —and ironic how UFO buffs still believe the ‘spooks’ know more than they do!
- “[S]leep disturbances, prolonged anxiety, acute and chronic headache including migraines, seizures, and sensations of peripheral numbness, tingling, and parasthesiae are reported often by workers near RF emitters that are “safe” and ubiquitously by persons who encounter anomalous aerospace objects.” Interesting how the ‘neurological’ effects of a UFO encounter may not be psychosomatic or trauma-induced, but physiological in nature.
- Since experimentation with humans is a big No No (at least in the white world, that is) Green also proposes comparing lab experiments with animals subjected to harmful levels of radiation to UFO encounters. In one of the animal experimentation studies referenced by Green, there’s a mention of the caudate putamen as being one of the brain areas affected to high-level exposures to ultra-high frequency (UHF) radiation. Given how the caudate putamen is nowadays a popular topic among the UFO community due to the work of Garry Nolan (which was itself a continuation of Green’s previous investigation on the brains of remote viewers) perhaps this small reference may be highly significant.
- And finally, in the Appendix section Green provides a long list of harmful UFO cases (96 in total, from 1952 to 1971) such as the Itatiaia case from Brazil in 1970. Green also includes a Close Encounter rating system similar to the one proposed by J. Allen Hynek –with the difference that this one also includes CE4s (“the witness has been abducted”) and CE5s (“CE4 which results in permanent psychological injuries or death”).
As you can see, even to a layman person this paper written by Dr. Green contains some interesting elements, which may help us learn more about the still-secretive AAWSAP program, and what they might have tried to answer to their Pentagon sponsors –i.e. Can you learn more about UFOs by studying the only plentiful evidence at your disposal (namely, UFO witnesses)?
Green is quoted by McMillan for his PopMech article, and after showing surprise the PDF had been released into the Internet, he confirmed it was indeed the same report he’d authored.
“This focused on forensically assessing accounts of injuries that could have resulted from claimed encounters with UAP,” says Green. “I didn’t work for BAASS, other than as a contractor for my paper, and I wasn’t a part of AAWSAP. However, it is my understanding this program was a UFO study that outwardly was not supposed to look like it had anything to do with UFOs.”
Green also cautioned McMillan that his report had not been properly peer-reviewed, and that the injury cases he’d studied for the report could not be construed as evidence of other-worldly visitation, since all could be accounted for by known terrestrial means –which doesn’t really explain how Vicky Landrum, her grandson Colby, and their friend Betty Cash could have been exposed to ultra-high radiofrequency radiation while driving on a lonely Texan road!
On a statement given to UFO researcher Keith Basterfield in January of this year, Green also added:
“[…] I am baffled. I am certain that no injuries I have encountered in referred cases…or others for that matter, require paranormal or “off world” technologies to have caused harm.
This conclusion I have reached slowly, over the past 10 years, but it is data driven. Many of my colleagues I respect disagree. No physicians disagree. That is sadly a defeat for me. A forensic physician must seek to discern ‘perpetrators’ and criminal motive as well as unknown morbidity and mortality and etiology of illness and injury. I have no clue as to perpetrators and motives. But I don’t require magic and aliens to characterize the injuries and pathologies.”
No doubt among those “colleagues” who disagree with Green’s conclusions would be Jacques Vallee himself. In Forbidden Science 4 Vallee mentions Green sending associates of his to Brazil to find more information on the Colares cases, which seemed to refute Vallee’s own research. However, Vallee wasn’t convinced because he found many flaws in Green’s data:
[Green]: “At the most important sites you mentioned, namely Belèm, Parnarama, Sobral, and Fortaleza, there were indeed some medical events, but did you know those sites were co-located with aerospace facilities, second only to the French spaceport of Kourou?” [Vallee’s note: At the time of Project Prato in Colares (1977) there were no sophisticated aerospace facilities in the area. Even today there is only one major launch facility in the Brazilian Northeast, the Alcantara Launch Center, but it is 500 kilometers away from Belèm, where our investigations were centered]
[Green]: “All this is close to the places where the medical anomalies occurred. Three of the provinces have a medico-legal institute with good files, just like a County medical examiner’s office in the States, so I sent people with a forensic background looking through every medical archive. In the area there are mutilation murders, were you aware of that? People see magical attributes in them. The Indians in the area never go anywhere alone.”
“Indians? What Indians?” I thought to myself as I heard this. This made no sense. Most people in Parnarama are not Indians. I’ve seen young girls go off to hunt alone, a rifle on their shoulder, and kids play in the bush all the time. Yet Kit now dismisses all Brazilian sightings as a “colocation of military bases with unusual medical incidents, high-level verbal reporting of deaths and illnesses and attribution of magical causes to normal things.”

If Green allegedly found evidence that refuted Vallee’s conclusions, why directly refer to his book Confrontations?
They also disagreed on the topic of cattle mutilations. For Green, all those dead cows could be explained away with perfectly mundane causes and he sided with ex-FBI investigator Ken Rommel’s conclusions, whereas Vallee suspected Rommel was part of a whitewashing operation. In other words, Green has always been a highly skeptical individual with regards to the UFO phenomenon, and whenever he was trying to fish through his official connections about a ‘secret UFO project’ running somewhere deep in the vowels of the black world, he always assumed he’d find a man-based ‘control system’ behind it.
But leaving all that aside and returning back to the AAWSAP/AATIP programs, and how some of the people involved in them are now part of DeLonge’s TTSA, we’ve addressed on numerous occasions here at the Grail that the narrative presented by this organization is clearly that of painting UFOs as a threat to National Security. In a recent article published by The American Legion, Chris Mellon talks about the huge ‘technological gap’ between the US forces and the objects encountered by the Navy pilots in 2004 and 2015, and makes gung-ho comparisons with 9/11 and Pearl harbor intended to incite the government into action against this ‘unknown enemy’.
And yet, here we are: It’s 2020 and the aliens haven’t yet invaded us, this despite the fact that they are supposedly far more advanced than us –and presumably that has been the case for many, many years (even before humans invented jet fighters and nuclear missiles). But although there are many reasons to doubt UFOs constitute a direct threat to any nation in particular, and humanity in general, that does not mean they are incapable of inflicting harm if they happen to be in close proximity to humans, as suggested by Green’s report. You don’t have to declare a war against the clouds to know it’s best to stay indoors during a thunderstorm!
So, in case you yourself happen to be a close encounter witness in the future, by all means bring out your keyboard and play the classic five tones to that glowing whatzit —but you’d better keep your distance, just to be safe…