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News Briefs 18-01-18

Fake humans will create fake realities. Or vice versa…

Thanks to Greg

Quote of the Day:

I heard human DNA is actually just a blockchain for an alien cryptocurrency and humans are actually just space Bitcoin wallets.

Jack Cusumano

  1. Medical Costs: I’ve got mixed feelings about crowdfunding for anything. In a way, it seems like a return to the good old days before insurance when communities just took care of each other. On the other hand, I’m the type that is extremely reluctant to ask for help from friends or strangers.

    My folks are still alive thanks to having had excellent medical insurance. But, I wonder if all the insurance in the world can save my generation. I cringe at all of the toxins my body has been subjected to from childhood onward.

    As a sidebar, over $122K was raised for John Anthony West and he seems to still be hanging in there:

    1. But that’s the thing: Fans were all too happy to fork in a few dollars for John Anthony West, because in the Paranormal/Alt-History he’s as big a celebrity as they come. There were podcasting telethons and other celebrities helped to spread the word through social media. This was one of the few cases of crowdfunding success.

      But what about John Doe who also desperately needs to raise money to cover his own medical expenses, and doesn’t have 25,000 followers on Twitter? Or maybe he’s not really that good-looking, or eloquent enough to successfully reach out and ask for money. What then?

      And it’s not just a problem of crowdfunding for medical costs. Some time ago I read an article on Wired magazine where it was highlighted how school teachers were also using those platforms in order to raise money to buy supplies and other materials they need to teach their class. Those are funds that SHOULD be covered by the government, and we risk creating a perverse cycle where bureaucrats will plan budgets thinking “well, if they need more money for basic necessities, they can always start a GoFundMe!”

      That’s the problem addressed by the article.

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