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News Briefs 07-05-2014

I’ll see you at the Graham Hancock Tour in Melbourne this Saturday!

Quote of the Day:

He allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.

~ Gabriel García Márquez

  1. Dr. Newberg
    The BEYOND DEATH article is interesting, if only for Dr. Newberg’s comments. I always saw him taking a middle ground approach to these topics and so I was a bit surprised to see him “explaining away” the phenomenon. Although, he does emphasize that is just guesswork and “not at all certain”.

    The comments on these articles are also always fun to read, but I am beyond sick of hearing that “OBE’s” or even “NDE’s” have been triggered in labs. Maybe some aspects of it, but the “God” helmet and virtual reality are far from explaining the actual phenomenon. It’s like comparing apples to oranges.

    Unfortunately, what never seems to be mentioned in these articles are veridical OBE’s. Though not necessarily evidence of an afterlife, it does go against the idea that these are just hallucinations. Sam Parnia has even come out and said that “Our data suggests that these so-called out-of-body experiences, at least when they occur in the cardiac arrest setting… cannot be defined as a hallucination.” Although, no one seems to talk about that and so the article just gets thrown into another religion vs. science debate.

  2. baltic sea
    If it is a UFO – as in other worldly – and it looks like it has completely fossilized and become a stone. As for the skid lines, it could have been on a shelf that gave way during an underwater earthquake and slid down. There are some odd rock formations called concretions that create amazingly symmetrical forms that look like they were made by an intelligent life form, could this perhaps be a huge one created from mud volcanos thousands of years ago?

    Examples of concretions:

    The first few pictures they show do not match up with the last one, which I assume is the real one and others are artist renditions, but the article does not clarify this. The first 3 look like artist renditions.

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