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News Briefs 23-10-2013

What would Wolfgang Pauli do?

Quote of the Day:

The more enlightened our houses are, the more their walls ooze ghosts.

Italo Calvino

  1. smog
    what the article doesn’t tell you is that not only is this now a yearly phenomenon for China’s ENTIRE winter season, but every year over 1 million people die from sickness related to the smog. 1 million people.



    then again it could be an exaggerating, but…nah

    1. Black snow
      I met a guy from Fukuoka, Japan, about 7 years ago. He was studying to be an atmospheric scientist. To help pay for university he had a part-time job shoveling snow. Except the snow was black, due to the pollution in China. It was so bad in winter, his part-time job became a full-time one. The air currents carried everything from China, pollution mixed with dust, directly across southern Japan.

      Thing is, we can’t solely blame China. They’re making the plastic crap consumers around the world want.

      1. D:
        First, that’s gross.

        Second, I’m aware it’s not a new problem. China is in the height of their industrial revolution with no help from us or the world wanting their cheap products, however, no environmental laws and a corrupt government isn’t helping. They make more money ignoring the problem than spending money to fix it. But pretty soon, at the rate it’s going, they aren’t going to have anyone to work in the factories, BECAUSE THEY WILL ALL BE DEAD!

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