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News Briefs 11-07-2013

The Graliens are going Global!

Thanks to Susan & Holly.

Quote of the Day:

“Some people say evolution is blind, but when I see examples like this I think more in terms of an evil genius, sitting in a comfy chair and stroking a cat…”

~Greg Taylor

  1. impalas and sharks
    Impala: …well…any port in a storm 😛

    Sharkanado: I hate to be this guy, and i like a crummy b-movie any day, but if a water spout picked up a school of sharks and they got tossed all over the coastline, the impact of them falling on houses, cars, hell being pulled out of the water which they need to breathe would kill them. But it would be so fun to watch all the butthurt PETA members comment on the page, while simultaneously getting there arm chewed off by a half dead shark that they are trying to drag back into the sea.

    See what you did? You made me think and that’s a very dangerous thing to do 😛

    1. Impalhurricane!!
      Nice to know they’re not picky 😉

      I tweeted the Sharknado link to Maureen Elsberry of Open Minds –BTW y’all should totally follow her— and she replied she’s gonna watch this movie with his bud Jason McClellan & his wife. I suggested a little drinking game, like having 1 shot every time a shark kills someone while on the air, but on second thought that would be even more dangerous to your health than an actual shark attack 😛

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