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News Briefs 23-05-2013

Something ate RPJ’s internet.

  • Alan Moore interviewed on psychogeography.
  • 3D-print your face on a piece of Mars – oh, that’s been done already? OK, so how about 3D-printing your face on a doll, 3-D printing pizza for Mars colonists and searching for faces with Google Faces
  • Conspiracy theories are a mythologization of capitalism.
  • Is that why rational people buy into conspiracy theories?
  • You are your data: The scary future of the quantified self movement.
  • Rewriting the story of Stonehenge.
  • Rewriting the story of paganism: Wikipedia’s anti-pagan, in-house troll finally banned.
  • The Onion’s Future News from the year 2137.
  • Nano “flowers” created in lab.
  • – paranormal dating: “Like a normal dating site but with more dead people”.
  • Orbit helicopter controlled by biofeedback.
  • Republished by Anomalist Books: Operation Trojan Horse – The Classic Breakthrough Study of UFOs by John A. Keel.
  • Monster Files – unleashed by Nick Redfern.
  • Robert Crumb talks about life, books, and LSD.

Thanks Rick, Cat and RPJ!

Quote of the Day:

Given that patterns are a construct of the human mind and human sense of aesthetics, it would seem to me that in a sense all patterns can be seen as patterns that aren’t there. By the same token, though, the only measure of a pattern’s actual validity is therefore in its elegance or its utility.

Alan Moore

    1. Dirty rat
      [quote=red pill junkie][quote=Perceval]Something ate RPJ’s internet[/quote]

      Yep. A goddamned rat.

      Geez, Mexico’s politicians are chewing through cables now?

      1. None Dare Call It Conspiracy
        The “paranoid style” in modern consciousness really broke out after the 911 false flag which was so obvious an inside job that observers from thenceforward felt justified in scrutinizing subsequent spectacles in light of what we know happened on 911. The leap to conspiracizing subsequent events is in a way a punishment for 911. Though we may or may not suss out the same sort of nefarious double dealing and legerdemain we are damn well going to be “going there” in spades because it gives pause to potential perpetrators of future manipulative mass spectacles. It is our signalling to them that all their moves will be looked at very closely, and in that sense hyper-sensitivity to the topic of conspiracy is healthy and perhaps prophylactic. We are exaggerating in response to an exaggeration which is what 911 was – a grotesque exaggeration of human duplicity and savagery. The people behind the curtain deserve everything we throw their way even when they don’t happen to be behind the curtain at times.

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