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News Briefs 29-03-2011

China to overtake US in science in 2 years. But how many of all these papers actually have value?

  • When we cannot predict.
  • Japanese earthquake confirms the urge to blame human greed for natural disasters is making a comeback.
  • Rainwater and air across USA contaminated with nuclear radiation.
  • When does a nuclear disaster end?
  • America’s ancient cave art.
  • Happiness peaks in our eighties.
  • Mothers’ hard work pays off with big brains for their babies.
  • Transhumanism: the new face of Eugenics.
  • Bats keep separate households.
  • Hundreds of dead starfish wash up on Talybont beach.
  • The collapse of the Mayan civilization was due to environmental damage.
  • UFOs: an alternative theory.
  • Should holocaust deniers be heard?
  • Funding your cryopreservation.
  • Zombie ants controlled and decapitated by flies.
  • Some ingredients in green products come from petroleum rather than natural sources.
  • Redshifts and microwaves.

Quote of the Day:

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.

Martin Luther King Jr.

  1. Fukushima poses no threat?
    When I was young, we would love to make “snow cream”, a treat in the southern US. But, first we had to wait to hear if the snow was safe to eat. This was the time when above ground nuclear weapons tests were almost a daily occurrence. I wonder if the concern will return?

  2. Critical Thinking
    I applaud the professor who is trying to teach critical thinking to his students, even if his subject matter is distasteful. I think the final paragraph of his article sums it up nicely:

    “This assignment produces the best papers I’ve ever received: judicious, objective, dispassionate deconstructions of the Holocaust denier arguments. In the 15 years I have been assigning this paper, only one student out of hundreds has ever come away granting Holocaust denial any legitimacy. The application of critical thinking’s processes and methodological objectivity simply won’t permit such a conclusion. With the right approach, American students can learn critical thinking.”


  3. holocaust deniers being heard
    Everyone has a right to say what they believe.

    That does not mean they have to right to be believed, nor does it mean they have a right to be respected.

    1. If this is going to
      If this is going to technically be a democracy we have to let whoever wants to rant however insanely – rant. If we are going to let the strict creation science folks think out loud and in public then we can’t muzzle the holocasut deniers.

      1. muzzles
        In addition to that, muzzling unwanted opinions doesn’t work. People will believe all kind of nonsense, forbidding them to say so does not make them stop believing it.

        I think that forbidding a subject actually makes it more attractive to many people. If the authorities go to the effort of suppressing even talking about it, some people conclude that there must be some truth to it.

        1. It’s tough sometimes
          [quote=earthling]In addition to that, muzzling unwanted opinions doesn’t work. People will believe all kind of nonsense, forbidding them to say so does not make them stop believing it.

          I think that forbidding a subject actually makes it more attractive to many people. If the authorities go to the effort of suppressing even talking about it, some people conclude that there must be some truth to it.[/quote]

          My core beliefs agree 110%.

          I have argued for free speech for years, believing to heart what my parents taught me: ‘I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it’.

          But I will admit that there are times when I read the news headliners or some of the trash being fed to those who can be easily led, that freedom… like anything else, can be abused.

          Then there is the war within… when I begin to question my core beliefs and wonder whether humanity is up to the part of being so free.

          In the end… after a bloody battle, the core corps wins the field and things are quiet until another day and another line of BS…


  4. Possibilities are easy. It’s reality that’s the bitch.
    Re: UFOs: an alternative theory.

    This concept is not entirely new. There has been another, similar theory around for decades that identify the so-called ‘greys’ as being basically synthetic lifeforms or advanced, biologic robots that were created by a long vanished civilization… ie: Atlantis.

    One particularly intriguing line of thought has it that the greys were created specifically for deep space travel; to go where no human had gone or could ever go. They were long-lived and capable of self-replicating up to a certain degree… as well as being able to learn and improve their own knowledge.

    The story says that long, long ago, they were sent forth on a mission to explore the universe on the behalf of their creators… which they did. They were gone for thousands and thousands of years. But upon their return to Earth, the civilization that created them and commissioned their explorations, had long since vanished. In fact, there was but only a smattering of human presence left that had lost all knowledge… and were basically starting over with basic stone and metal working abilities.

    This was not what they expected to find and without an end to their assigned mission, they decided to wait to see if humanity might someday return to the level it had been at when they departed.

    So… for all these centuries, they have held camp on the far side of the moon, watching and sometimes interacting with us… waiting for the day when they would present themselves.

    The End

    Well… almost.

    Variations of this theory/study have the greys in some turmoil and being split between those who still wish to serve mankind and those who would exploit us for a chance to improve their own biology. Thus, we have abductions and implants and cattle mutilations, etc.

    Still others subdivide and meld some of this to the UFOs-are-angels-and-demons line.

    Personally, I think that there is a lot of things that are possible and that all UFOs are not the same thing. As for the Atlantis connection? Why not?

    We are ourselves considering the moment of singularity, when our creations… our machines become equal to, or one with us.

    We are a race of inventors, creators and explorers… much like our Creator… if you are into that angle.

    Best 🙂

    1. Spoiler alert!

      The story says that long, long ago, they were sent forth on a mission to explore the universe on the behalf of their creators… which they did. They were gone for thousands and thousands of years. But upon their return to Earth, the civilization that created them and commissioned their explorations, had long since vanished. In fact, there was but only a smattering of human presence left that had lost all knowledge… and were basically starting over with basic stone and metal working abilities.

      Personally, I enjoyed the ending of Battlestar Galactica, specially because they used many of the things you’re discussing 😉

      1. cycles
        Some of this also relates to the concept that all development goes in circles. We see this in the annual seasons, in the cycle of birth, growth and death.

        Out of these observations that everything we experience is circular comes the concept that nothing can be linear. When something does seem to have a definite beginning, we ask where the starting point came from.

        But at the same time we cannot conceive of the possibility that something has always been. It must have started somewhere, or somewhen. Different philosophies explain or suggest one or the other. but in my opinion they just offer words for the concepts. We are then supposed to surrender to these words that a wise man said or wrote, and in most cases these writing are not very comprehensible.

        I can do that too, I can say that the universe is at the same time circular and linear, as well as being neither one. I don’t need to write dozens of books for that, and in my opinion making the statement 900 pages long does not make it any more logical.

        Other people do the same with with mathematics. They claim first that these mathematics only describe observations and predictions, not some actual truth. And this is correct. But shortly after having stated that claim, pretty much the same people then proceed to argue as it the math not just describes the universe, but that the universe is the math. That is not kosher either, you can’t just throw out your initial assumptions when its convenient, and you have snowed everyone with the complexity of your argument. That’s no better than what the philosophers do who say you must study the matter for 57 years on a cold mountain top.

        No, I don’t think there is all that much evidence for the ancient human high cultures with immensely advanced technology.

        There is a lot more evidence that these philosophies and mathematical constructs are artifacts of the nature of our minds.

        The same goes for many things that we think we see. It is not only our eyes that are limited, it is also our minds that interpret the signals from out eyes. Two dark circles with an arc below them are a face, even when we know that they are not.

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