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News Briefs 06-01-2011

A piece of rosca de reyes, a cup of hot traditional chocolate, and bunch of TDG news briefs: there’s no better way to start your morning 🙂

Thanks Kat, Mike Clelland!, modemac & Balthasar —you’ve always been my favorite, dude.

Quote of the Day:

"The map ain’t necessarily the territory."

Dr. Leo Sprinkle (in an audio conversation with my buddy Mike Clelland)

  1. Blackface
    Hahahaha… In that photo you linked. Is that dude in the middle wearing blackface? And when NASA decides what movies they like or don’t like, who decides that? I’m fairly certain they don’t send out a survey to all their employees.

    1. Blackface
      I realize that there’s a rather nasty history concerning the so-called blackface in the US. So allow me to explain the image:

      The photo was taken at the Alameda park in downtown Mexico city. It’s traditional that during the Xmas holidays some men dressed as Santa Claus or the 3 Wise Men would stand in front of montage backgrounds, and families take their kids that will ask Santa or the Wise Men their desired presents, and be taken photographs with them.

      You also have to understand, that there aren’t many black men* in Mexico. So inevitably the dude dressed as Balthasar would have to use some black makeup.

      (*) We don’t suffer the landmines of politically correctness as much as the American society. In Mexico, people of “African” descent (and yes I know ALL of us come from Africa but you know what I mean) are simply called negros (“black” in Spanish).

          1. *Sigh*

            15 links today, including one about the possibility that the Viking mission discovered organic compounds 30 years ago, and a NYT article featuring Mac Tonnies from beyond the grave, yet pretty much active on the net… and here we are discussing blackface.

            I guess you guys would be completely bamboozled (see what I did there?) if you found out this comic strip is still being published down here in Mexico. Oh, well…


            PS: I still think Balthasar was the coolest of the Wise Men. I mean, come on! the guy rode a freaking elephant. That’s way cooler than riding a camel or a *yawn* horse 😉

            Balthasar on his pimped pachidermic ride

          2. Pffft
            [quote=red pill junkie]

            15 links today, including one about the possibility that the Viking mission discovered organic compounds 30 years ago, and a NYT article featuring Mac Tonnies from beyond the grave, yet pretty much active on the net… and here we are discussing blackface.[/quote]

  2. correction…
    [quote=red pill junkie]Red pill of the day: what would happen if Greg Taylor were to reincarnate into a penguin as a penguin…[/quote]

    …what would happen if Greg Taylor were to reincarnate into a penguin AND you gave it Four LOKO!!!

    1. You’re quite welcome 🙂
      Incidentally, Chris Knowles wrote in a recent comment that he’s planning on writing a second part to “The Year of Thinking Magically” —but that’ll have to wait a bit, since he currently seems to be(shall we say) juggling too many balls at the same time.

      We’ll keep you updated.

  3. Black bears
    I remember seeing a documentary where they were trying to remotely video young black bears. The youngsters found the camera almost immediately and completely destroyed it.

    In an attempt to fool them into thinking the camera was part of the surrounding scenery, they stuck mirrors all over the outside of it so it became almost invisible. This didn’t deter the bears who spotted it without any trouble and destroyed it just as they had the previous one.

    And they say animals are dumb!!!

    Regards, Kathrinn

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